A new friend

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"Here we go." I said to myself and my little buddy, Oreo. He purred at my leg while I rechecked myself in the mirror.

It was nothing special, I was going to meet someone new to me but was very familiar to this place and the people here -I think.

I was wearing a tank top with a pair of comfy shorts while my hair was up in a ponytail. It was sunny outside so exposing a little skin won't hurt and I missed the warm kisses from the Sun.

"Let's water the garden while we wait for her." I said and Oreo was hyped when he heard the outside door opening. He ran outside as if his feet was on fire and he could be exterminated any second.

I laughed at how excited he was while I took the garden hose and turn the water on. The morning was slightly colder than I expected even though the sun is up and shining but the warmth was still there. I breathed in the fresh air and sighed in relief at how relaxing this was.

"Oreo?" I called as I turn of the pipe and had completed watering all the plants. Oreo was nowhere to be found. He must have gone somewhere while chasing a butterfly. I thought but a very wet and huge kitten came running towards me.

I laughed at his whining and quickly took him in my hands.

"Got to dry you up first." I told him and went back to my room. I got the hairdryer and a new set of towel to dry the poor kitten which was shaking due to the cold.

As we reached Grandma Jamie's house, I could see an unfamiliar car has already been parked in front.

"Elly! You're here." Jackson greeted me as he came out of the house.

"Can you hold this for a sec?" He asked and gave me a box without even letting me answer. It was heavy with books, I guessed - but it could be the curvy handwritten 'books' on the box.

"Come on. Mom has been so excited to let Maya meet you." He said while carrying two boxes as if they weight none.

"I think she's excited to see you meeting Maya so you guys can have a happy-dramatic-cliche romance story." Was what I wanted to say but kept it for myself.

"Can't wait to meet her too." What I truly said with my most try-hard smile.

"She's amazing and bigger than the last time I saw her." He told me stories about what happened in the past. All those sweet funny memories.

"She sounds like fun." I honestly said and put the box down on the floor.

"She is." He said and for an instant I could see something burning in his eyes when he talks about her. Maybe it's my imagination or maybe Maryanne was right about this two.

"Mom! Elly's here." He shouted loudly despite the ladies being in the kitchen which was close enough to just call them out normally.

"Elly! We're in the kitchen." I could have known since the smell of hot brewed tea and freshly bake biscuits were dangerously strong for an empty stomach of mine.

"Hi." I waved at the people in here. There was more people than usual. Four new faces I have never seen before.

"Elly, this is my husband, John." Maryanne introduce a very similar Jackson but in an older version.

"Nice to meet you." We shook hands while exchanging smiles.

"Pleasure. I've heard all about you from Mary and Jackson and their description of you does no justice." He playfully winked and I chuckled at how playful he is, just like his son.

"Thank you." I blushed.

"This is Maya's mom and sister, Miranda and Nicole." She introduced me to two beautiful classic looking ladies. They both looked the same except their age.

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