👑Chapter 67👑 One Day

Start from the beginning

“I don't like it when your sad” he whispered.

I kissed his little fingers. “I'm fine Masoudy”

He shook his head “Momma was right when she said girls are complicated”

I started laughing as I looked at my little brother “Yes we are. We all are” I said poking his nose.

He smiled “I just want you to know your the best big sister”

I looked over at him.

“You're my favorite person Dina” he smiled wider.

I grabbed him into a big hug as his head rested on my chest. “You're my favorite person too. And favorite brother, dont tell Majeed” I whispered the last part which he giggled.

He looked up at me “Don't frown” he said tugging my lips.

“I like your smiles” he smiled.

I smiled for him and kissed his cheeks.

“Dina?” he asked.


“Whatever is bothering you, you should face it head on” he said.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I want you to face your problems In the face and tell them they cant bother you anymore. Don't wait for a moment to happen, make the moment happen”


Mashallah (God has willed it)

“When did you become so smart?” I laughed squishing him into my side.

“I'm very observant” he smiled.

I kissed him cheek “I love you”

“I love you too Dina. If you don't mind I have to head back to my book. The princess is about to except the beast as hers” he said getting of my bed.

I giggled “Okay buddy”

I was so blessed to have a great family.

Face your problems Madina.

Be honest. But don't hurt him like you did. I need to do this.

I put my sweatpants on and my huge sweater. I wrapped my black hijab around my head and looked at the mirror.

“Why does he like me so much? I look like a freaking troll” I huffed.

I ran downstairs to see my dad watching his daily Afghan shows. My mom in the kitchen cooking excessively.

“Khuda hafiz (goodbye, god be with you) I kissed my boba’s (dads) cheek.

He didn't even realize I did as he was yelling answers at the TV. Ofcourse he was watching Afghan family feud.

I laughed “I'm leaving momma” I said putting my phone in my pocket.

“Where are you going bachem?” (my child)” she asked.

Should I lie?


“I'm going to Bryson's” I said casually sipping my water.

She stopped stirring the bowl and turned around to me.

“Why would you need to go to his place?” she asked I could tell she wanted to tease me.

I rolled my eyes “Firstly, his mom is home. and secondly the idiot is mad at me so I need to try and fix things” I said honestly.

“You're not telling me something” she said squinting her eyes as she bit her carrot.

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