Chapter 18: Duel

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"It's been quite awhile since I've heard you laugh like that, brother." Thor interrupted Loki and Jennica's moment as he met them on the path. "I'm glad to see you are doing well."

"It's about time we ran into you, after you left us behind." Loki jested, painfully inhaling air into his lungs.

"Forgive me, Dellinger and I got carried away with our discussion of war. I was on my way back to fetch you."

"Worry not, it doesn't matter. But I believe I have an idea to help gather soldiers."

Thor raised his eyebrows. "I would love to hear it. We should meet up with the other elves to discuss your idea. They're waiting for me nearby." He almost offered to take Jennica's place to help Loki walk, but he changed his mind when he saw how content they were.

It took them longer than it would have without Loki's injuries, but they eventually came to the tavern where the elves were gathering, some looking distressed at the lack of answers.

"What took you so long?" Dellinger asked Loki, eager to begin their battle plan.

Loki dropped his smile and grumbled, "Gee, I wonder why I can't walk as fast as everyone else at this time."

Jennica helped him to the table as quickly as they both could manage, before an argument erupted. She took a seat beside him and Sol began, noticing the eager eyes of her people.

"Thank you, Thor, for offering to help us in a matter that does not fully concern you."

"It is my pleasure. My main concern is to protect the Nine Realms, just as my father vowed to do."

Dellinger mumbled something unintelligible under his breath, but Odelia frowned in his direction, having been the only one who heard.

"Thor, we don't wish to hear about your father. Let's continue where we left off." Even snapped, failing to hide his irritation at the suggestion that Odin had protected the Nine Realms.

"My brother said he had a plan. Loki, if you wish to speak now..."

"I am aware that there is an alarming lack of men to fight," Loki announced as he leaned back in his chair, relieving his ribs, "and I have come up with a plan that, while not solving the problem, may very well help." Everyone nodded, eager to hear any idea. "Lady Sol has mentioned how there are elves who have hidden their political stance to remain in the kingdom with their families. If we somehow reach and implore them to join our resistance–"

"Loki, you are a genius." Thor interrupted his brother with a newfound enthusiasm.

"Have you ever doubted it?"

"If we find those who are willing to join our resistance, it may as well double the number of men we have now!" Odelia exclaimed, grabbing onto what little hope she shared with the doubting members of the group.

"And do you expect us to sneak in the kingdom to do so?" Dellinger questioned with high skepticism of the plan. "If Ulric discovers our presence, he would most likely go to the extent of taking our lives."

"That is a risk you have to be willing to take." Loki replied, sternly, leaning forward a bit in his chair.

"What if we're caught?" Another nameless elf suggested, narrowing his eyes. "What then?"

"We would hope to save you after the battle." Thor admitted, trying not to mention an execution performed by Ulric. "But if you are not willing to take such risks, this cause can't be important enough to you!"

"I don't believe there is a safe option we can choose." Jennica added, finding a window to speak. "Every direction we take will involve death. This is war, and we have a very small gathering."

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