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Dear Ryan

I woke up in your bed this morning. I was really confused. My head really hurt.

I don't remember coming home. I don't even remember falling asleep. But somehow I managed to make it into your bed

You were lying with me. You had your arm around my waist and my head was on your chest.

I'd be lying if I said that I didn't like it.

See. There it is again. You confusing me. I haven't spoken to you since we got back, yet you're sleeping in the same bed as me. Why are you doing this to me?

Why are you doing this? I don't understand. And it's tearing me apart not knowing.

You're breaking me, but you're also holding me together.



Ngl comPletely pulled this outta my ass.

Story time:
So I'm at this holiday park and they have different venues. There's Skyline, Centre Stage, Hotshots and Reds.

I thought my family were in the centre stage so I went up there and then got a call from my uncle. Turns out they were at a bar.

So I turned around and went back to leave, and the security guy refused to lEt me lEave.
Apparently I didn't look old enough and I needed to have parent permission to leAve.

So my uncle had to come and get me from the venue.

Yay that was fun wasnt it? Thats kinda how i got lost in this plaCe bUt in my defence its massive.



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