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Dear Ryan,

It's slowly getting closer to Christmas. Vlogmas has been hard to keep up with. Even though I've barely had anything to do with it. I'm trying to stay out of the vlogs. After all, I'm everyone's least favourite. I went through some comments. Nobody really seems to care. Why would they?

I'm worthless.

Why did Blair think it was a good idea to have me in the band. I'm a failure. A dissapointment.

It's times like this I feel like giving up. But I can't. Because of you. I can't give up. Because of you

"Andy. Are you ok?". The voice startled Andy. He quickly grabbed his paper and stuffed it into his hoodie pocket, out of sight. Wiping his face, he turned to face whoever was talking to him with a fake smile on his face.

It was Brooklyn. He was leaning against the metal ladder up to Andy's bed. He was shirtless and staring at Andy, concern evident in his big green eyes. Andy forced and laughed and messes Brooklyn's hair up, earning a whine of protest from the younger boy.
"I'm fine Brooky. Why?" He questioned, fake amusant in his voice. Everything was either fake or forced now.

Brooklyn shrugged and climbed up, perching himself on the end of Andy's bed.
"Dunno. You've just seemed off. I've been watching some of the vlogs and you're not in them. I want to know why".

Andy's breath hitched in his throat. He didn't think any of the boys had noticed. Then again they always underestimated Brooklyn, mostly because of how stupid he could be.

"I've been busy Brooklyn" Andy stated, wincing at how harsh his voice sounded. Brookyln sighed. Andy knew that he didn't believe him.
"You know you can talk to me Fovvs? If something is bothering you?" Brooklyn said softly.

"I said I'm fine Brooklyn! Please. Drop it" Andy finally snapped. The hurt that flashed over Brooklyn's face made Andy's heart drop. Before Andy could apologize, Brooklyn had jumped off of Andy's bed, leaving Andy alone

Later that day, whilst Rye was out with Maisie, Jack confronted Andy. The Irish lad was furious with Andy, as he had to spend an hour trying to calm Brooklyn down after Andy had snapped at him.

"Andy. What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"Lot's of things Jack"
"Why did you shout at Brooklyn?"
"Because he was being nosey"
"There was no need for you to be a dick to him. He was in tears when he came to me"

Andy growled underneath his breath. He really was not in the mood for Jack's accusations right now.

"Listen. It's not my fault that he can't keep his stupid ass out of other peoples buisness" The words were falling out of his mouth before he could stop them. Jack's eyes were blazing with anger.

Mikey and Brooklyn were watching them, like it was a tennis match.

And then, Jack's fist connected with Andy's jaw. There was a stunned silence. Mikey and Brooklyn's mouths dropped. Jack still looked furious, and was glaring down at his fist.

Andy stood, holding the side of his face, that had started to bruise. Jack lunged at him again, but Mikey reacted quicker, restraining Jack. Jack struggled in his arms, glaring at Andy.

"Come on Jack. Let's go on a walk" Mikey said, calmly, dragging Jack out the room.

Brooklyn looked over to Andy, who was massaging his jaw.
"Andy I-" He started, but got cut off.
"It's fine Brook. I'm just going to the bathroom"

Andy locked and shut the door, sinking to the floor. He pulled the paper out of his pocket and began to write

My jaw really hurts. I'll give it to him. Jack can throw a punch.

I need you right now.
You will never understand how much I need you. You're my rock. You keep me grounded.

I need to you


lEgit i finished this a minute before im due to update

Procrastination rules!

Lmao so every 5 chapters it'll be set out like this. Yeah or nah?


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