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Dear Ryan

Once again, you're messing with my mind. I don't think you understand what you're doing to me. How you're making me feel. It's not like I expect you too. I haven't told you. I haven't told anyone.

"A-Andy?" A soft voice called, followed by two knocks on the door. Andy snapped his journal shut and hid it out of sight, forcing a smile on his face.
"Yeah? What is it Rye?"

It was fairly obvious that the brown haired boy was anxious. The way he way biting his nails and his stutter gave him away.

Andy sighed and shuffled over in his bed, patting the mattress. Immeditaly, Rye climbed in to the bed, filling the empty space. He layed his head on the blondes chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. It was comforting.

Almost instinctively, Andy raised his free hand and started running it through Rye's hair, earning a content sigh to leave the younger boys mouth.

"Rye? Hey, look at me. What's wrong?" Andy said gently, not wanting to upset his friend anymore. Rye raised his head so he could look at Andy, brown eyes meeting blue.

"I-It's really stupid. But I didn't know who else to go to. I'm not on the best of terms with Mikey, Jack and Brook wouldn't understand" Rye said, looking down. Andy sighed and placed two fingers under Rye's chin, forcing him to look up.

"It's not stupid if it's upsetting you Ryan. You're allowed to be upset. You don't have to pretend to be this...machine without any feelings," Andy told him, semi sternly "Now, are you going to tell me what's wrong or not?"

"It's just- Maisie," He muttered "I don't like her the way I used to anymore. And...Mikey told me he thinks she's cheating on me... It's the reason I'm arguing with him. I didn't want to believe him...but now I think about it..."

Andy sighed. He knew it. He had caused the argument between Rye and Mikey. It was his fault. He should have never told Mikey about what he saw.

"I don't know what to do Fovvs. I'm scared. I want to break up with her, but at the same time..."
"You don't want to because you don't want to hurt her" Andy finished, earning a sad nod from thhe other.

"Ryan. You can't force yourself to love her. You can't make yourself stay in a relationship you're not happy in. Not only are you lying to yourself, but to her aswell. Its not fair on either of you" 'Even though she's a cheating bitch' he added mentally.

Rye couldn't stop the smile from spreading across his face.

"Damn Fowler. When did you become so good at relationships" He teased smirking. Andy gave him a pointed glare and slapped him lightly on the arm.
"You can leave if you're going to be like that" He warned. Rye pouted and layed his head back on Andy's chest.
"Noooo. Pleasee. I'm sorry" He whined, causing Andy to smirk. He wrapped his arm around Rye and gave him a comforting squeeze.
"Dork" He muttered fondly.
"But cha love meee" Rye said in a sing-song voice.
"That I do Ryan. That I do"

Tonight was Nice. I enjoyed cuddling with you. We havent done it much since Maisie came into the picture.

I kinda feel happy. That youre considering breaking up with her. I know I shouldn't. I'm supposed to be your best friend.

But I cant help it.


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