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Dear Ryan,

I found a hate thread about me on twitter today. Every part of me was screaming not to read it. I knew I would regret it. But the small voice in the back of my head overpowered everything and I read it.

I spent hours reading about how stupid I am. How ugly I look. How terrible I sound. They compared me to you. They said that you would never love a depressed 'fag' like me.

I know what they are saying probably isn't true. But it still hurts. It hurts to see people talking about me like that.

I haven't told anyone about what I read. Mikey almost caught me crying. I lied to him. I lied straight to his face and said I was watching a sad dog video. He believed me. Why wouldn't he?

You also nearly caught me. As I was going to the bathroom. You stopped me. You wanted to watch a film with me. I said I didn't want  to.  You then asked if I was ok. I lied again and said I was fine.

I'm not fine


Dear Ryan ➳ Randy [✓]Where stories live. Discover now