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Dear Ryan,

Maisie is supposed to be coming over today. I don't think i'm going to be able to be in the same room as her.

I don't understand why she would cheat on you. You're perfect. You're funny, kind, you always put others first, you're supportive. You're the perfect boyfriend.

"Andy! Come on! Maisie is gonna be here in 5" Rye was knocking on the bathroom door. He was worried about the blonde boy, as he had been in there for almost an hour now.

Muttering profanities under his breath. Andy hid the tattered notebook, containing all his letters, under the sink, where he was sure nobody was gonna find them. He quickly stripped and dampened his hair, making it look like he was in the shower. He wrapped a towel securely around his waist and left the bathroom, a fake smile present on his face.

Rye grinned when he saw the smaller boy and stood up straight from his position leaning against the wall. He folded his arms over his chest.
"You were in there for ages! What were you trying to do? Drown yourself?" Rye joked. Andy forced a laugh. If only he knew how many times Andy had actually wished to do that.
"I just lost track of time." Andy said. It wasn't a complete lie. He had lost track of time. Just not in the shower.

"Well, Maisie is gonna here soon and unless you want her to walk on you naked, you should get dressed" Rye said. Andy felt his jaw clench at the mention of her name. He wanted to blurt everything out. But instead, he nodded his head and walked into his room.

Mikey noticed how Andy seemed pissed when he walked in the room. He noticed how Andy was muttering stuff to himself as he was aggressively throwing clothes about. He noticed the murderous look in Andy's eyes and the way he was grinding his teeth.

Mikey wasn't an idiot. He knew Andy liked Rye. Anyone with eyes could tell that Andy was completely and utterly in love with Rye. He also knew that Andy didn't like Maisie, Which Mikey could relate to. He didn't like or trust the blue haired either, but he too put up with her for Rye's sake.

"Ok. So what evil crime did this pair of jeans commit?" He questioned, dodging the piece of clothing that was thrown over Andy's shoulder. Andy spun around and glared at Mikey, but still walked over and snatched the jeans off Mikeys bed and stuffed them back into his draw.

Mikey sighed and got up. He grabbed and and forced him to turn around.
"Close your eyes. Count to ten. Calm down"

Andy's eyes briefly shut. He counted to ten in his mind and took a deep breath. Surprisingly, he felt better afterwards. He opened his eyes and looked up at Mikey, who was staring down at him.
"Better?" He asked. After getting an affirmative nod, the raven haired mans smile widened. He allowed Andy to get changed and lead him to the couch, sitting down.
"Now what's up?"

He didn't know why, but he spilled everything. About Maisie cheating, how she threatened him. How scared he was of telling Rye. Mikey sat silently, listening to Andy rant. Once he had finished, neither of them knew what to say.

"You have to tell him-"
"I know. I know. But I don't know how."
Mikey sighed and rubbed his face.
"God when I see her I swear-"
"I know" Andy bit his lip. He felt like crying. But he didn't. He wouldn't be that weak. Mikey picked up on Andy's sudden change of mood and wrapped a comforting arm around him.
"Hey. It's going to be alright. You're safe. I won't let either of them hurt you. I promise"

Andy smiled. He was glad to have a friend like Mikey. Mikey was like the older brother he always wanted, despite him being 2 years younger than Andy.

I told Mikey everything. About the threats. About her. I feel better now. Having someone else know. I never realised how stressful it was keeping something a secret.

I didn't say anything about me liking you. I couldn't. That would just make it seem like i'm trying to break you and Maisie up. And as much as I hate her, I don't want to ruin everything for you.

It's my luck, isn't it? Falling for my best friend, who just so happens to be straight and has a girlfriend. And besides, even if you were gay, there is no way you'd go for someone like me. You're way too good for me.



Wow this is bad but hey its long. Sue me for taking so long.

Uh I'm almost done on the first part of  the other book but I dunno when it'll be up (if it will go up)

Love you guys 💘


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