Chapter 40: Strike

Start from the beginning

             "W-What did he do..?" Jimin wondered as he went through the trash bin within his laptop to check if Jungkook must have deleted it, but nothing was found. This only left the Chief to let out a sigh and pull out his phone to text Jungkook. Leaving the boy messages until he could answer them.

             After a while, Jungkook was already sitting by Jimin's desk, his phone was filled with messages from Park Jimin during the time Jungkook was driving off to the station and finally arriving

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             After a while, Jungkook was already sitting by Jimin's desk, his phone was filled with messages from Park Jimin during the time Jungkook was driving off to the station and finally arriving. It wasn't like Jungkook to neglect reading the messages, but he sat there in silence as he looked over at the clock and sat on Jimin's office seat like he was expecting something along with the bland emotion over his face. Just as he was lost in his own thoughts for a while, his phone chimed once more and that made him look up at the time and back at his phone to pick it up and read the messages. For a while there, he was blankly sitting there, ignoring the messages for a while like he was growing nervous. Did Jimin's paranoia rub off on him?

          Jungkook shook his head and finally turned his gaze to his phone to see messages from his beloved fill up with notifications. This returned the smile on Jungkook's face while he chose to read them off in his head and reply to them too.

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          Jimin made a smile as he pulled the cabinet open and took out the flash drive Jungkook told him about

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          Jimin made a smile as he pulled the cabinet open and took out the flash drive Jungkook told him about. Plugging the drive into his laptop to watch over Jungkook. Within seconds, he connected the drive and launched the program of his station surveillance and switched onto his office to see Jungkook just spinning around in his chair. "Oh Jungkook... My cute little bunny~" Jimin cooed to himself and caressed Jungkook's side of the screen while the boy looked down to the office desk and back at the camera he knew where Jimin was watching him from.

           Just as Jungkook was close to adding onto Jimin's text, Sehiro suddenly kicked the door open as Jungkook's eyes blew wide and caused him to stand up so suddenly. This alone made Jimin's eyes widen. The door was kicked wide open and it caused some officers to peer in with confusion running wild as Sehiro cracked his neck with a tilt of his head to the side.

         "Where's... JIMIN?!" Hissed Sehiro as Jungkook looked up at the surveillance camera and back at the officer before pulling a smile. "Don't you smile at me! Tell me what you've done to him!" Shouted the man as Jungkook only paced away from the officer as he started to look up at the camera and back at the Officer while he kept his distance. "You hurt him... Didn't you?! Did you get him sick?! What the FUCK DID YOU DO?!" Shouted the Officer as he ran up to Jungkook, causing some officers to run in and try to grab Officer Riyu, but the man slipped through the grasps of a man and suddenly gripped onto the collar of Jungkook. Pinning him to the wall and suddenly getting a strike at Jungkook.

           Sehiro punched the silent prince on the jaw and caused Jungkook to suddenly grip onto the man's wrist once he pulled back and hit him in return as defense. Punching the man on the nose and causing him to fall back as soon as the man struck a punch on the detective. Only then, Jungkook looked up at the camera surveillance as the officers got a hold of Sehiro. "LET GO OF ME! YOU ALL SHOULD BE GRABBING HIM NOT ME! TAKE HIM AWAY!" Continued to shout Sehiro while he was dragged out of the room along with a few officers. This made Jungkook let out a sharp breath while placing his hand over his jaw. Surprised that Sehiro would do such a thing.

          Jimin was left with his mouth left wide open as he watched the officers pull Sehiro out of the office. This made Jimin grow confused at the sudden misbehavior that rushed through Sehiro. He knew the Officer disliked the detective, but was it necessary to shout and assult the boy? "H-He's going insane..." Jimin whispered to himself as he gazed back at Jungkook just standing there in silence while he looked as if he was about to tear up at the sudden hit he was given, but it wasn't as strong as the punch he packed towards Sehiro.

          Jungkook then looked up at the camera and started to sign while Jimin watched him. 'I'm okay. I just need to sit. I'm not coming home at all.' Jungkook signed while Jimin only grew worried now. He knew something bad was going to happen to Jungkook, yet the boy didn't listen. The only thing that calmed Jimin down was the fact that Jungkook was able to defend himself, making Jimin realize that Jungkook was capable of protecting himself from anyone. It came to that moment where Jimin just wanted to hold Jungkook close and hug him after that since the boy of course, was in tears after signing he was okay. When he really felt afraid.

           Jimin watched over the boy after Jungkook made it clear was okay, but there was no way he was going to look away. He watched over the boy and kept his stare at Jungkook. Trying to make sure he'll be safe... But something just didn't feel right. Jungkook just sat down at Jimin's seat, having his hand over his jaw while his gaze was locked at the office door in a glare. He thought back at the way Sehiro came rushing in and punched him for no reason. That feeling alone left his blood boiling the whole time he sat there with his hand over his jaw in raw anger. Out of everything, Jimin just hoped Jungkook would come back safely into his arms.

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