Chapter 17: Ontogeny

Start from the beginning

Jennica found her words confusing and her lips pulled into a slight frown, but she tried her best to understand. To view humans as anything less than another race seemed appalling. "Am I able to unlearn what I learned?"

"That is always a possibility." Sol winked. "And you have a very strong heart. I know you take that from your father."

"How long did you have me before sending me away?" Growing with more curiosity about her past, Jennica's mind began filling with question after question.

"About a year. You were such a happy child... During the raid on the castle was when we sent you away. Our sorceress saw to it, and made sure that she and the others found the best way to keep you hidden."

"Are the sorcerers still alive? If they are, they could help us in our cause."

"They escaped into the outskirts after the kingdom fell. No one has been able find them since, and it is too dangerous."

Jennica mumbled, "Oh," leaning her check into her palm. "So Ulric took the throne, murdered and banished elves, tried to find me and failed..."

"That's right."

"But you're forgetting one detail." Jennica sat straight again.

Sol frowned. "And what's that?"

"My brother."

The silence and Sol's stiffened body was obvious. Those words had not been expected.


"Oveaus... you never mentioned him once." Jennica spoke slowly, now.

There was a gloss in Sol's eyes. "H-How... how do you know about him?"

"I met him... he came to me and told me he was my brother. He's been randomly appearing ever since to give me advice."

"But that's not possible, Oveaus has been dead for nearly two centuries!"

Jennica's heart clenched. "Dead...?"

"He went missing as a boy and presumed dead. For him to be alive now isn't possible, I felt him leave us."

Tears were now threatening to pool again. "But we've been helping each other, and he told me he's trapped and in pain, and–"

"It... it must be his ghost talking to you." Sol wiped her eyes. "But not really him. It just isn't possible."

To think that she had been chasing the words of a ghost made Jennica want to curl up and cry. My brother... not my brother...

When seeing her tears did fall at last, Sol offered her a teacup filled with nectar. "It has a sweet taste. I am sure you will like it."

Looking up through her blurred vision, Jennica nodded, taking the cup into her hands.


"Thor, how can you be optimistic about this battle? We have only the simplest of weapons and an overwhelming lack of men!" Even, an elf instrumental in the planning of the attack, spoke up with frustration. He had gathered and counted those of the village who would fight to confirm the suspicion of their low numbers. "I do not understand how this will ever work."

Planning for battle was always a dire thing, and without an army, fighting Ulric would prove to be difficult, a death sentence for the villagers.

Thor firmly placed his hand on the elf's shoulder and reassured, "Even, do not lose hope. There is always an answer. I have... a plan B."

"Please, Thor, enlighten us. There is no time to be concealing plans." Another elf grumbled, agreeing strongly with Even's statement.

"I am the crown prince of Asgard, aren't I? Of course I have a backup... just not the most willing of kings to grant it to me. If it is our only option, I will speak to my father."

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