"I'm right here." Dravon closed the door, the red old book in his hand. He handed it to her when he snapped his fingers and the seven magical crystals floated in an illuminated gold ring.

Shade examined his glass, then gulped his drink. "This better open this time." Ash pressed a finger on his slightly frowned forehead. "Blackwell, just end this suspense, will you?"

Dravon raised his eyebrow in sardonic amusement. He snatched the crystals from the air and gave Quinn three of them. Jade continued to glare at her and made a face.

Together, they carefully placed each one of them in their recommended positions. A bright light appeared, almost blinding them, warmed their hands. Surprised, they took their hands off to admire the Celtic marks engraved on the book being rearranged in an odd order. The red book eventually opened, its pages being flipped hastily till it settled on the required middle page.

It showed some paragraphs written in Latin. Dravon's eyes widened in shock as he read in silence. "It can't be," he mouthed faintly as the book dropped on the floor.

Ash turned to his twin. "Enlighten us now, Jason," he ordered. Jason gave him an icy stare but when Dravon did nothing to stop him, he picked up the book. His grey eyes also widened when he read the content. Ash tapped his twin's shoulder. "Well, we don't have all night."

Jason took a deep breath, obviously irritated by his brother and translated aloud.

"According to the book, when the destroyer of the prophecy succeeds in conducting human sacrifices on the bloody lunar eclipse night, then..." he was interrupted by a worried Jade. "Then we die?," she demanded with impatience.

"Please let Jason finish," Lisa pleaded. Quinn glanced at Dravon who's face was unnaturally pale at that moment. She knew then the happy ending of this mess was totally crushed.

"So, if Morgade succeeds, the only way to defeat him is by the fusion power spell cast by the cursed immortal and a Campbell witch." Jason faced Quinn, his face grave. "But that spell is mortal."

"Meaning?," Shade inquired. "Only one of them will survive. It's either Dravon or Quinn...but not both," Jason muttered, his expression dead serious. Everyone fell silent for a while, digesting the fact that one or more of them will lose their lives tonight.

Ash shook Dravon who sat on the couch, grim and confused. He has a lost look on his face. "Blackwell, are you sure this is the only way to kill Morgade?" "I'm afraid so," he voiced out after a while.

With great difficulty, Quinn managed to stand still. Her body was shaking from that news. Dravon could die...that was the only thing that echoed in her mind.

"This can't be true," Jade snapped. "If by mistake Dravon dies, then we all die." Jade pointed her finger at Quinn. "But she won't."

"That won't happen. I promise," Quinn managed to say. "Good. Then it's settled. Quinn will play her role of saviour according to the prophecy, save us all even if she will lose her life in doing so," Jade announced triumphantly.

Dravon gave her a deadly stare. "How can you be so heartless Jade Moore? Quinn's part of us, not just a sacrificial pawn."

Quinn shook her head and frowned. "I agree with Jade. Six lives value more than mine." Everyone except Jade gazed at her like she was a dangerous crazy woman who fled from the mental asylum.

"Don't be stupid. We can't afford to lose you," Ash said. "Yeah. We will join forces to combat evil but we won't let you be harmed," Shade muttered.

"It take two of us to cast the spell. And obviously I refuse to do so," Dravon said in a matter of fact tone. "Whatever happens will happen. But be sure of one thing. Quinn won't die," he went on.

The Infinity Coven Trilogy_A Dark Temptation (Volume 1)Where stories live. Discover now