29 | Respect Your Elders!

Start from the beginning

      B scampers off to Yoongi's small private bathroom and shuts the door to change, leaving Yoongi alone with his thoughts.

*          *          *          *

      "How come you get to go first?!" Taehyung whines, his lip curled into the most pitiful pout he can muster, "I want to go first!"

      "Yah!" Jin scolds immediately, "I'm oldest, so I get to go first! It's common sense!"

      "I'm your hope!" Hoseok challenges, flailing wildly in objection, "I'm your angel! Why don't I get to go first?"

       "All of you, shut up!" Yoongi roars, quite tired of their useless bickering.  With a disappointed sigh he slouches further into the couch, pulling a frightened Byeol tighter against him, "I'm her brother, and I decided that Jin was going to go first because: one, she had met him previously and is more comfortable around him than she is with you maniacs; two, he is the oldest and the most responsible out of all of you; and three, I trust him to make sure that she is happy and safe at all times, unlike the rest of you violent brats. Any objections?"

      "I'm not a violent brat!" Jimin says in defiance, looking downright offended.


      "I wasn't talking to you, Jiminie

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      "I wasn't talking to you, Jiminie." Yoongi sighs, once again amazed by his members' ability to argue about literally anything, "Anything else in particular you animals want to bicker about?"

      Silence greets the scowling rapper's sharp question, and Yoongi nods in satisfaction.

      "No? Good." Yoongi looks to the oldest member, "What's your plan, hyung?"

      "My plan?" Jin's face brightens exponentially, much like Jimin's does every time B walks in the room, "I didn't want to force B-ah out of her comfort zone too much, so I thought that we could just stay home and make brownies. It isn't too complicated or stressful, plus, who doesn't like brownies? It's not much, but I think it'll be lots of fun!" 

      "Mm." Yoongi grunts in appreciation of Jin's thoughtful idea. Byeol really does hate places with too many people, and she wasn't very keen on the whole one-on-one bonding time thing either. So in Yoongi's opinion Jin's idea of just staying home and relaxing is perfect, "Do you want the rest of the guys out of the house, then?"

      "That'd be preferable." Jin admits, guilty eyeing the looks of betrayal scattered across the other members' faces.

      "Alright then," After carefully lifting B up off his lap and setting her on her own two feet, Yoongi stands up from the couch and points vehemently towards the door, "Then shoo, all of you! I don't want to see any of your ugly faces for at least three hours!"

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