15 - this is some project x shit.

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Zayn and Justin had just dropped me off from the mall after our black Friday shopping. iI got so many clothes I was literally shopping till I dropped.

I earn my own money from my mom for doing chores around the house and all that. Every year I like to save money for black Friday to just go all out.

I put all of my bags down on my bed as I hear my phone buzz.

unknown: hey sis it's ari dis my number sooo the party starts at 8. make sure to dress to impress!! 💡🙈

Selena: perfect see you there!

I reply tossing my phone on my bed. Dress to impress hmm I guess I can wear one of the new dresses I got today. I look at the time to see it's 4:27pm I have more than enough time to get ready for tonight.

I decided to tell Zayn what time to be ready and pick me up.

Selena: Ariana told me the party starts at 8pm so try and be here by 7:45.

Zayn: Alright see you soon darling.

Even though it was only over text. Every time Zayn called me darling. it made my flutter and my stomach fill with thousands of butterflies.

I decided to take a shower. Taking a shower was always my way of thinking about things I guess or whatever was on my mind. The only thing that was on my mind was Zayn.

I that he didn't exactly say that he loved me but isn't "I'm falling in love with you" the same thing? Ugh love was such a confusing thing. Like I don't want to come out of nowhere and say "I love you." and for him to not say it back.

I think what i'll do is just wait till he says the exact words first. Once he says it i'll know for sure that he really does love me. I get out of the shower wrapping my towel tightly around my body and another around my hair.

I put away all the things that I bought but leave a a little sparkly red dress that stood out to me. I normally would never wear something this revealing. Except for the time I went to school flashing everyone my nipples but anyways.

I only bought it because I feel like my wardrobe needs a major makeover. Also I wanted to wear this really cute silk white lingerie just incase things get a little bit heated tonight.

I take the towel off of my head letting my hair fall down. I decided I wanted to do some waves in my hair instead of my normal straight look. After I finish my curls I move onto my makeup i'm not the best but i'm pretty decent.

I do a full face of makeup and now it's time to get dressed. I slip on the sparkly red dress and put on silver heels to go with it. I also add some silver earring to match with the heels.

I look at myself in the mirror and feel more confident than ever

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I look at myself in the mirror and feel more confident than ever. "I'm really that bitch huh?" I say to myself giggling after my silly remark. "You really are." I hear a familiar voice say making me jump a little.

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