6 - am i not good enough?

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I walk into school not wondering why Zayn pulled Selena off he's probably just mad that she didn't change like he asked. Zayn can be so controlling at times i should know since he is two months older than me.

I look for Madison and I see her getting her thing out of her locker "Hey babe" as I grab her hips.

She jumps and turns around to see it's just me "fuck you scared me"

"Sorry" I say giving her my best baby face and giving her a peek on the lips. "Are you feeling better?" I asked her as I walked her to class.

"Umm yeah I feel better today so I'll see you at my house to help with the decorations right??"

"Oh about that I forgot to tell you I actually have practice today so I'm not going to be able to help" I said as we arrived at her class

"Wow well It's okay babe I understand" she said as I gave her a big kiss goodbye and made my way to class.


Before I knew it we were already at lunch Zayn and I had gotten to our usual table before Selena. Which gave me the perfect opportunity to ask him what happened earlier.

"So what was that thing that happened with Selena all about this morning?" I asked Zayn as he just took the first bite of his burger .

"Nothing what do you mean" he replied while still eating his burger. "hmm I don't know man you seemed kinda overprotective as if Selena was your girlfriend or some-".

I got cut off by Zayn hysterically laughing "Girlfriend? that's the craziest thing i've heard all day I just wanted to look out for her but I realized I was wrong for what I said in the car and pulled her aside to apologize so just drop it mate."

Selena comes to the table and sits across from Zayn and I. "Sorry I took so long I decided to ask for extra work you know just to stay ahead of things anyways what were you guys talking about?"

"Nothing" Zayn and I said at the same time you know not acting suspicious at all. "umm okay. i'm kinda excited for this party tonight which one of you guys would like to go help me find a new outfit?" Selena asked.

"Well i'd love to but i'm going to surprise Madison by going and helping her set up the party I lied saying I have practice and i'm gonna bring her some flowers and chocolates too." I said.

"Aww that's so sweet J i'm sure she'll love it so Zayn would you want to come?" Selena asked

"well I don't have anything else to do so i'd love to go" Zayn said kinda in a sarcastic way it was always a hassle to go shopping with Selena.  She would always drag you into 30 stores and spend about an hour in each just to end up not buying anything.

The bell rang signaling it was time to go back to class "ugh fuck I barley got to eat I guess i'll see you guys later" Selena said while walking off to her class.

The rest of the day went on as normal but at the end of the day I went and got Daisy's Madison's favorite flowers and a box of her favorite chocolates I know it isn't  Valentine's day or anything I just love doing sweet thing for her just to see the huge smile on her face.

Her smile could light up the whole world I loved it so much... actually... I love her so much. I don't know what I'd do without her.

After a long drive I finally get to Madison's and see an unfamiliar car parked in front maybe one of her friends came to help her.

I knocked on the door and no one answered but the door was open so I just let myself in. "Madison?" I call out and get no answer.

Maybe she's up in her room I assume so I go up the stairs to her room and when I reach the top I wish I hadn't.

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