16 - you love daddy's dick don't you?

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(yeah i know it's a little weird but i feel like this chapter would be best told from her pov)

I was on top of Justin making out with him as he was taking off my dress. But then the door slammed open causing me to jump off of him immediately. It was Selena which made me 10x more embarrassed since Justin was her best friend.

"Selena what the fuck!" Justin yelled at her as i hid behind him as my face started to turn red.

"Listen i'm sorry to interrupt but Ariana the police is downstairs." Selena said making my eyes widen.

"Oh no fuck!" I said as I fixed my dress and ran out the room to go downstairs to talk to the police. "Hi ma'am are you the owner of this house?" The police asked.

"Uhh I live here with my dad I just wanted to have a small get together but it go out of hand i'm so sorry." I said to the officers.

"Okay that's fine but you're gonna have to shut it down now." The cop said to me.

"Of course officer." I said before saying goodbye and closing the door. After the cops left I turned off the speaker and got on top of the kitchen counter.

"PARTYS OVER EVERYONE OUT!" I screamed causing a whole bunch of boos but I couldn't care less.

"Hey have you seen Selena?" Zayn ask me but it sounded a little louder than a whisper due to the commotion going on.

"She's upstairs." I say before I see her and Justin coming down. "Can you guys please help me get everyone out of here" I ask.

"Of course." Justin said. After that we pushed everyone outside telling them that the party's over. About fifteen minutes later my house was finally empty and it was just the four of us.

"Thank you guys so much for helping i'll take the rest from here." I said.

"You sure you don't want any help cleaning up? I'll gladly help." Justin said. I don't know what I did to deserve such a sweet and caring guy. Even though we aren't dating I can tell he has a crush on me.

The feeling is definitely mutual.

"No it's fine I got this just text me when you get home." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek as they left my house.

After everyone was gone I looked at the mess I just created. Everything was destroyed there were cups everywhere. I was so fucked when my dad got home.

I decided to go to bed and handle the rest of this mess tomorrow. I went to take a shower first though I stood in the shower thinking about the events of tonight.

Mac broke up with me and at first I was really sad but he was really toxic. He treated me like shit and was always either drunk or high. So maybe it was the best thing that could happen i'm better off without him anyways.

Then I remembered I was about to have sex with Justin tonight. If Selena hadn't had opened the door who knows what would've happened. I love every single moment of it though.

The way his lips felt against my neck as he made his way down to my breast. Everything about it was perfect. Everything about him was perfect.

After I was done taking a shower I got out wrapped my towel around my body and walked to my room. I looked at my phone and seen I had a couple of messages.

Dad: why are the neighbors calling me saying that there's a raging party at the house?

Dad: Ariana Grande Butera I'm gonna be home first thing tomorrow morning and I swear if I find out that you had a party while I was gone you're gonna be grounded for life!

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