20 - you completely took my breath away

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"What?" I asked complete shocked at Zayn's sudden change of heart. "I'm sorry for not asking you really if you wanted to go to the dance. I know you really want to go some come on we don't have much time." Zayn said with a smile on his face signaling me to walk out of the house.

"Hold on let me get my purse." I said as I raced up the stairs once I was in my room I let out a squeal. I'm so happy that Zayn was doing this for me all for me ugh this boy must really love me huh?

I quickly grabbed my purse and ran downstairs into Zayn's arms. "Thank you so much for doing this." I said as I hugged him tightly and tucked my head into the crook of his neck.

"I'd do anything for you babygirl." He said making my heart flutter. I honestly felt like I was on cloud 9 Zayn almost made me feel like I was the only girl in the world.

"Okay let's get going." He said making me pull away from the hug. "Where are we even going?" I asked.

"The salon i'm gonna spoil you today princess." He said making my whole face red from blushing so much. We left my house and got into Zayn's car.

The ride to the salon was so much fun we sang along to Christmas songs since it's that time of year. Once we arrived we walked in and I sat in the chair.

"Okay so what can I do for you hun?" The lady asked. "Hmm well tonight my winter dance so I want to go for something a bit more elegant." I said. "Okay I have the perfect look for you." She said as she started to work her magic.

two hours had past and my hair was finally done the woman turned the chair around so that I was facing the mirror. "Oh my god I look like a different person." I say completely shocked at how amazing my now curly locks looks.

"You look gorgeous." Zayn says making my stomach feel like a whole damn zoo. "Thank you so so much" I say to the salon lady. "no problem hunny." She says as I stand up from the chair and go over to the nails section.

When Zayn came to pick me up I seen that the dress was dark blue so I decided to get my nails the same colors just with rhinestones on it. Once my nails were done it was already 6:30pm and the dance starts at 8pm.

we left the salon and were now on our way back to my house. "Okay i'm gonna leave you at your house to get ready then come pic you up like at 7:45pm sounds good?" Zayn asked as he kept his eyes on the road.

"That sounds fine to me." I say as he suddenly places his hand on his thigh and it stays there for the rest of the car ride. Once we arrived at my house i have Zayn a big kiss on the lips and got out of his car walking into my house.

"Hi sweetie you look gorgeous were are you going?" my mom asked as I walked in. "I'm going to the dance with Zayn ugh he's just the best mom." As I feel my heart flutter at just the thought of him.

"I'm so happy that your happy especially after how depressed you were after that last asshole have fun tonight." My mom says giving me a huge hug.

"Thanks mom." I say while we're hugging before breaking the hug and going upstairs to get ready. I walk into my room and see ariana sitting on my vanity. "Oh my god you scared me." I say as I walk into my room. "Damn you look so hot!" Ariana says as she still continues to do her makeup.

"Thanks what did you do that made Zayn change his mind about the dance?" I asked. "not much once he seen that your were "mad" at him he came asking me why and i told him what to do to make you feel better." Ariana says.

"Well thank you because I don't think I would ever have the balls to tell him how i really feel." I say being honest with her. "It's no problem but if you're gonna be in a relationship you have to say how you feel and open up 100% to the other person." Ariana says

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