3 - you're glimmering darling

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The first day of junior year was finally over thank goodness it felt like a lifetime I don't really do the best in school but I try my hardest... at times.

In all honesty I couldn't care less about school I just keep my grades good enough so that I can keep playing football and that'll eventually get me a scholarship to a prestige college.

I wouldn't say that football is my favorite thing in the whole world I'm just doing it so that I can get a scholarship don't get me wrong I love football with all my heart but what I really love to do during my free time is music.

No one knows that in the middle of the night when I can't sleep I pull out my journal and start writing songs and when I mean no one I literally mean no one including Zayn, Madison, and Selena.

I love all of them with all my heart but my songs they're just so personal to me I don't think I'll even get the courage to show anyone the things I scribble down at 1am let alone the whole world.

I was driving while Zayn sat passenger, and Selena and Madison sat in the back I was going to drop off at Selena at her house and Madison was coming back to our house to swim in the pool a little even though it's September it's still hot as fuck out here in Texas.

While I was driving Madison got a text she looked at her phone then immediately said something "umm babe I don't really think I'm feeling good so can you drop me off home I'm sorry" she said

"Are you okay??" I said looking back at her kinda worried "yeah I'm fine just kinda lightheaded I need to lay down"

"Okay well I'll bring you home then" I said I was kinda suspicious as to why she started feeling sick immediately after she got that text message but I didn't question it because I love her and I trust her.

I dropped Madison off in front of her house and gave her a peck on the lips "I love you" I said "I love you too" she said and walked off into her house I stood a little longer just to make sure she made it safely into her house damn I really am whipped by this girl I don't know what I would do if I ever lost her.

As we drove off I turned on the radio and put the gps to bring us to Selena's house "you know since Madison can't go I could go to your house I mean I wouldn't mind a nice swim right now" Selena said from the back seat

"Oh I thought you had to study and be ahead of everyone else in the class" Zayn said in a teasing way "oh shut up I told you guys this year I'm gonna let loose a little you know you only have one life and there's only 2 years left of high school so I'm gonna live it up"

"That's the spirit now let's go get wet!" I said knowing everyone would get the joke with their dirty minds. Zayn just started historically laughing while Selena just rolled her eyes "ugh boys" I heard her say

We got to the house and walked in to see we had the house to ourselves "I'm gonna go change" Selena said "yeah me too" Zayn said following her up the stairs and into our rooms

Selena had kept an extra bathing suit her for when she would come over to swim all the time thank god because I didn't feel like going back to her house

While they were changing I decided to order some pizza for the three of us and make some lemonade. They both came down the stairs and were acting really awkward with each other and weren't really talking but I didn't pay any mind to it and just went to go change

When I came down I seen that Selena and Zayn were both in the pool already but on both other ends of the pool not talking to each other I didn't know what was going on but I knew I was gonna end it so I jumped right in the middle of the pool close enough that i could splash both of them in the face

"Oh my god I hate you Justin" Selena said while Zayn just sunk his head underwater and went to go sit on the ground of the 10 feet pool "what's going with you guys lighten up it's been a hard day let's relax" I said to Selena while Zayn was still underwater

"Nothings going on between us and you're right let's just relax" Selena said and started to float on her back right when Zayn came up from the water he looked over at Selena "you're glimmering darling" the first thing he's said to her since we've gotten to the house "thanks" Selena says and I notice her blush a little bit hmm.

I heard the doorbell ring and saw through the glass front door that it was the pizza guy "I'll go get it" I said while getting out of the pool

I pay for the pizza and bring it inside I look out and Selena and Zayn still aren't really talking to each other maybe if I just bring them in to eat and watch a movie it'll clear the tension that has filled up the air

"Hey guys let's eat and watch a movie" I say coming outside with some towels for them "okay sure" Selena says getting out of the pool grabbing one of the towels and walking inside

Zayn gets out too and also grabs a towel but I stop him before he can walk in "dude what's going on between you and Selena things have been awkward ever since we got home" I said

"Nothing wrong Justin don't overthink things" he says while patting me on the back and walking inside

During the movie Selena and Zayn sit on different couches and barley talk to each other unless it's for the other person to pass them a slice of pizza something is going on and I'll to the bottom of it soon real soon.

Before we realized it's already 7pm our parents texted us saying they would be out for the day so we still had the whole house to ourselves "you know Selena you can sleep over if you want" I said to Selena since it was already getting pretty late "no thanks I'll just call an Uber if you don't wanna bring me" she said

"No of course I'll bring you let's go" I said to her as she started putting on her shoes I seen that Zayn wasn't getting ready "Zayn are you coming?" I asked him "nah I'm super tired you guys can go. Goodnight Selena"

"Goodnight Zayn" Selena said and walked out of the house I'm surprised they even said anything to each other

The ride to Selena's house was quiet but not uncomfortable we listened to some music and talked for a little but nothing important then we finally arrived at her house "okay we'll have a goodnight Sel see you tomorrow" I said as she was getting out

"You too J" she said and walked into her house.



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