Chapter 12 - Ladies night

Start from the beginning

I am glad that I had so much to drink because I would never have this much of confidence to dance where a lot of people can see me and to my favor the club was stacked with people and the lights coming from the ceiling helps to not make you feel like the center of attention.

I got to the girls and started joining them in on the dance floor and an upbeat song stated playing and our movements became quicker and sexier and I can feel eyes on e but I do not mind at all because I will be dancing my ass off tonight and regret in in the morning.

We were enjoying ourselves and dancing to a few different up beat songs when I suddenly felt arms come around my waist and whoever it is, is pulling straight to their body. I got a little fright and whirled around i saw Mason with one big smirk on his gorgeous face.

"Hi Doll so why are you not dancing with me I thought you promised me a dance and I just came to keep you up on that promise! So may I have this dance? "He asked with a breathtaking smile.

I quickly looked at the ladies to find some kind of permission I felt extremely bad for ditching them the whole night because it is a ladies night after all and I just gave that up and went my own way which is not fair at all. "Its fine honey go enjoy yourself but right after the dance you will be ours for the rest of the night! "Laura said and Sarah joined in nodding her head of approval.

"No worries girl she will be right back I promise "he said to Laura and winked and I can see he has that look that will drive any ladies nuts.

We made our way to an open space on the dance floor and he got ahold of my waist once more and tightened his grip so that I am now so close to his chest that I can feel his heart beat. I relaxed into his touch and soon rapped my arms around his neck and started moving my hips from side to side and because we are so close to one another it almost feels like I am physically rubbing myself against him.

I know that he likes it because his hands on my hips soon tightens as we dance he placed his hands firmly on my back and leaned forward as if he was going to kiss me and I need an excuse to get away so I suggested that we need a break to get something to drink and he approved, I actually just wanted a break because things started to get hot and I do not think that I am sober enough to control my inner demon.

We got to the bar and Laura and Sarah soon joined us for drinks and we chatted and talked for what feels like hours and just as we are about to leave the club Laura asked if I can join her to freshen up before we leave and I followed her.

As we walked through all of the people to the bathroom suddenly someone grabbed my arm and pulled me closer before I can register I saw the one and only Kayden fucking Lockwood! Just as I thought he would leave me alone I just got lucky. (Can you her the sarcasm in my voice?)

I searched for Laura and she just disappeared to the bathroom looks like I am on my own on this one, I looked up in his eyes and he looks like he want to rip someone apart. "Really Kayden why won't you just leave me alone so that I can enjoy myself? Do you really have to spoil everything for me? "I spat to his face, he is starting to piss me off!

"What the fuck was that out there are you trying to make a point or getting me angry so that I can rip someone apart because if you are it is fucking working! "He screamed at me and i just stood there is shock.

"You know what... Fuck you Kayden I do not have to watch what I do in your presence I am not a child and no longer yours! So just fucking leave me alone. "I screamed back and turned around and left his side on my way out of the club.

Once I am outside the fresh air breezed through my hair and it feels great now that I am outside I actually acknowledge how drunk I am, I stood at the entrance for a while just taking in the lovely air outside and suddenly got a huge sting pain on the back of my head and saw black immediately after....


What will happen next ? ............

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Much love xoxo

Much love xoxo

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