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I swear, Luke has mood swings ever two damn seconds. First he's begging me to kiss him and then he's acting like I disgust him. Calum noticed my confusion and gave me a small smile. I smiled back and shifted so I was comfortable in my seat.

"Okay..." I heard Michael mutter under his breath. "Let's eat." I suggested getting up. Everyone followed me into the dining room and started to plate themselves up. We all sat at the dining table and I saw sat between Calum and Luke. Yay.

My chair screeched on the aluminum floor as I scooted closer to Calum. Luke noticed and frowned. Everyone else was to sucked into there conversations to notice. "Why are you trying to get away from me?" Luke growled in my ear. I gave him a 'are you fucking serious' look. "Are you bipolar?" I asked seriously. He rolled his eyes. "No." He said annoyed that I would think that. "Well you sure act like it." I say as I stab a noodle. I could hear a growl come from his chest as I stuff my mouth with a few noodles.

"Luke, you okay man?" Calum asks, leaning over me, so our faces are inches away from each other. "Fine." He grumbled. Luke then grabbed the sides of my chair and forcefully pulled it closer to his. I raised my eyebrows at Luke and he just grumbled something under his breath.

"Okay..." I mumbled, stabbing my food again.

Ashton, Amayah, Michael, and Calum where all sucked into a conversation as Luke just stared at his food and played with it. I let out a heavy sigh, that no one noticed, before standing. "I'm gonna go to bed, Um... I didn't get much sleep last night." I lied. They gave me small smiles but Amayah gave me a look saying 'you will explain later' and I gave her a slight nod. "I hope you feel better." Michael said getting up and giving me a hug. I hugged back until I saw Luke with his eyes narrowed and his arms folded over his chest, from behind Michaels shoulder.

When we let go, I waved to everyone before heading upstairs.

Slumping down on my bed, I called the only person who I knew would know how to deal with this situation. My dad.

The phone rang a few times before he picked up. "Hello?" His gruff voice poke through the phone.

"Dad?" I asked.

"Navaeh?" He mimicked me.

I giggled before turning serious again. "How are you?" I started. He knew exactly what I was doing though.

"You're having boy troubles aren't you?" He asked and I could imagine his raising his eyebrow.

"Yes." I groaned and flung myself on my bed.

"Ah, who is it and what's the problem." He asked, and I could here his shuffling around.

I began to explain how Luke fucking Hemmings was in my house and how he begged me to kiss him and then he acted like a total dick.

"Well hun, he's probably been through a lot. You've just got to give him time sweetheart." He said sweetly making me want to punch something because I know he's right.

"You better not tell mom about this." I grumbled. Let's just say my mother is the one who won't let us with the opposite gender alone.

He chuckled. "I won't, but you have to remember she only wants what is best for you." he told me seriously.

"I know, but she's just so ..... Gah!" I groaned. He chuckled understandingly.

"Sometimes you love people for the most mest up reasons butter cup. I have to go, your mom needs my help with ... I son t even know." He chuckled.

"Alright, I love you." I said twirling a piece of hair in my fingers.

"Love you to, tell your sister to call me sometime, I miss her sassy mouth." He said.

"Alright bye."



I know this was kinda shitty, but I'm rushing.

I'm going on a camping trip with like 50 damn people tomorrow so I won't be updating for like three days :(.


OMFG thank you form the ten votes in 1 day, I freaking love you guys c:


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