Part 31 - Locked Away

Start from the beginning

Kaiden said "where are you going"

Aniyah said "I don't know!"

Kaiden stayed quiet and Aniyah pulled on her shoes and said "Listen here, I will continue talking to Drake, I will do what I want.. Because, you AREN'T my boyfriend, so stop acting like Jayden"

Kaiden said "JAYDEN!!! Really?"

Aniyah said "YES JAYDEN!! You're being controlling, and I don't do controlling"

Kaiden said "okay.. I'm sorry"

Aniyah said "Then you talk to me like everyone else "I'll show you asshole" really Kaiden?"

Kaiden said "I'm sorry.."


Kaiden said " I upset you.. I'm sorry, just tell me when I hurt your feelings and I'll change it."

Aniyah looked into Kaiden's eyes and she said "Kaiden, you really hurt my feelings" Then she walked past Kaiden and out his room.

She walked downstairs fast and Kaiden ran after her and said "I'm sorry!"

Aniyah opened the front door and slammed it closed after her, Kaiden looked at the closed door and he let out a painful sigh and everyone was staring at him, Kaiden had tears in his eyes then he ran upstairs to his room and slammed his bedroom door closed. Hard.

Aniyah was walking down the road not knowing where she is going, Aniyah grabbed out her phone and she called Drake, and it went straight to voicemail. Aniyah groaned and walked up a hill and sat down at the top of it. Aniyah's phone dinged and she looked down at it and Jayden texted her saying "Come home."

Aniyah said "No"

Jayden replied "You either come home, or I make you"

Aniyah said "and how would you do that"

Jayden said "Just please come home, we need to talk"

Aniyah said "Fine. Come pick me up.. I'm at PointView Hill"

Jayden replied "be there in 5"

Aniyah set her phone down and she looked down the hill at the road, and after a few minutes she saw Jayden's car pull up, Aniyah walked down the hill and she got into his car and he drove away fast, Jayden stayed quiet the whole car ride back to their house.

Jayden parked out front and Aniyah got out, Aniyah walked inside and she saw Ashton sitting down on the couch with a cast on his arm. Aniyah looked at him and he stood up and said "Hey..."

Aniyah said "Hey.."

Jayden said "Before we get into a deep conversation, why we're you on a hill, alone."

Aniyah shrugged and Jayden said "come on" as he was sitting down on a chair.

Aniyah sat down on the couch and said "It's nothing."

Ashton said "it's clearly something.. Come on Aniyah"

Aniyah said "He got jealous and we got in a fight, simple."

Jayden said "Okay, talk about the fight.. You always said I wasn't there, now I'm trying to be here and you push me away."

Aniyah said "I was texting Drake and he told me not too, so I told him he's not my boyfriend and to stop acting like Jayden.. I also called him a asshole.. Then he screamed at me, that he can show me a asshole."

Jayden said "he threaten you!?"

Aniyah said "calm down."

Jayden said "NO! He threatened you!"

Aniyah said "and you blew up my car!!"

Jayden stayed quiet and Ashton said "why are you always defending this guy.. Aniyah he's bad for you.. He isn't capable of love."

Aniyah said "He's capable of love!"

Jayden said "so he hasn't told you, that he isn't capable of love."

Aniyah stayed quiet and Jayden said "Exactly."

Aniyah looked down at her hands and Ashton said "Don't defend someone who isn't going to ever love you Aniyah.."

Aniyah stood up and said "I'll be in my room." She walked upstairs and slammed her bedroom door shut and Jayden ran upstairs and locked it from the outside and kept it locked.

Aniyah said "Johna!?"

Jayden said "I'm sorry Aniyah... But he's bad for you."

Aniyah tried to open the door and said "Jayden! Let me out!"

Jayden said "I'm sorry.."

Jayden walked downstairs and Aniyah started kicking and screaming at the door, Jayden sat down next to Ashton and Ashton said "Jayden.."

Jayden said "I don't want to hear it!"

Ashton got up and said "I'll talk to Johna."

Jayden nodded his head and Ashton walked into Johna's room and closed the door, Johna said "yes?"

Ashton said "Jayden just locked Aniyah in her room.. And he tried to blow up Kaiden's car.. Johna, Something bad is happening to Jayden"

Johna said "I see it too.."

Ashton sat down on Johna's chair and said "I'm worried.."

Johna took a deep breath and said "I'll take him to a mental institution.. We've had to do it before.."

Ashton looked down at his hands and said "what about Aniyah?"

Johna said "we keep her in there, where she's safe.. Until we get Jayden into the institute."

Ashton got up and said "Alright.."

Ashton left Johna's room and walked out and sat down next to Jayden on the couch, Jayden was smiling like he didn't just lock his sister in her room, like he didn't tell someone to blow up Kaiden's car, but they actually blew up Aniyah's.. Aahton looked at the tv and started watching the show Jayden was and leaned back against the couch and took a deep breath.

End of Part Thirty-One

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