Chapter 8

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We've been walking now for hours and maybe a whole day. It's not very specific when you're surrounded by darkness. We are now at the mines.

"The wealth of Moria was not in gold or jewels"Gandalf said "It's Mithril right?"I said. He smirked and nodded. He let the light of his staff brighten up more the place so we could see. Me and (Y/B/F/N) wield the light so we could see better (A/N:just like the fire in the previous chapter). We stopped and returned to our small light sources which were Gandalf's staff and the light that's coming out of our hands "Bilbo had a shirt of Mithril rings that Thorin gave him"Gandalf stated "Oh, that was a kingly gift"Gimli said in amazement "Yes.... I never told him but its worth was greater than the value of the Shire"Gandalf said.

Time Skip

"I have no memory of this place"Gandalf stated. We're waiting again for Gandalf...... he's trying to remember where we should go....... I don't know if Moria has a weird vibe but DAMN it makes Gandalf forget.

I'm sitting on a rock with Blue's head on my lap, stroking her head "How many days of school do you think have passed"(Y/B/F/N) asked whispering "I don't know 3, 4 maybe 5 days"I replied "When we get the chance to go back again what's gonna be our excuse?"she asked me "Hmmm...oh let's say that we were sick" "Sick?" "Yeah, humans use this kind of excuse almost all the time" "But we can't get sick" "*facepalm*..... okay then fine we're gonna tell them thaaat..... Right! We were on a secret mission to save Middle-Earth, and probably the whole freaking universe, from the Dark Lord Sauron along with a Wizard, an Elf, a Dwarf, two Humans, four Hobbits and six Dinosaurs.... Better?" "Sick it is" "No wait, will it ever be possible to tell the truth? Not that they're gonna believe us" "Nope but you never know" I gave her a 'are you fucking serious?' look and she tried not to laugh.

"Ah... It's that way"Gandalf said "He's remembered"Mery said "No but the air doesn't smell so faul down here. If in doubt, Meriadoc, always follow your nose"Gandalf said.

We walked further down until we reached I think the 'city' "Let me risk a little more light"Gandalf muttered. His staff lit up more again and the view was magnificent "Behold the great realm and dwarf-city of Dwarrowdelf"Gandalf continued  Ha!Close enough  "There's an eye opener, and no mistake"Sam said.

We were walking further down and suddenly Gimli run to a room that we were about to pass by "Gimli!"Gandalf yelled. We followed him and entered the room that he run. Inside there were even more skeletons and a tomb. We got closer and there were engravings on it in Dwarvish " 'Here lies Balin,son of Fundin, Lord of Moria'" Gandalf read "He is dead then. It's as I feared"he said as he took off his hat, Gimli was crying over his loss. I looked around and saw a large book being held by a skeleton. I picked the dusty book up "Hey Gandalf check this out"I said. He handed his staff and hat to Pippin and came to me and took the book. He opened it and some pages fell down. He blew the page that he was on and more dust fell "We must move on. We cannot linger"Legolas whispered. I looked over at him.

" 'They have taken the bridge and the second hall' " Gandalf said as he was reading the book. I walked towards him and looked at the book too " 'We have barred the gates but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes. Drums... drums in the deep' " he looked up at us for a second. He turned the page" 'We cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark. We cannot get out... they are coming' ".

A loud sound behind us interrupted the silence that had taken over. It was Pippin. The skeleton beside him fell down into the well. Then the chain that was attached to the skeleton started to fell and last but not least a huge piece of metal that was attached to the chain fell into the well as well.

Everyone was silent after the noise stopped. Pippin had a 'please don't kill me' look. I looked over at Gandalf and he was about to yell at him "Fool of a Took!"he said as he closed the book aggressively. He gave it to me "Throw yourself in next time, and rid us of your stupidity!"Gandalf yelled at him as he took his staff and hat from him.

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