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Jungkook walked inside Tae's house taking hi shoes off at the door. Tae closed the door and then took Jungkook by the arm.

Tae led Jungkook into the living room where there were snacks video games and movies on the table.

"Sit" Tae said patting a spot next to him on the couch. Jungkook sat down and was still shook. He had his favorite games and his favorite snacks along with a movie he had been wanting to watch.

"Why are you so shook?" Tae said poking the still frozen Jungkook on the cheek.

"I'm sorry" Jungkook said laughing shaking his head breaking his stare from the stuff on the table.

"So what do you wanna do first?" Tae asked turning his body to Jungkook.

"Uh I don't know?" Jungkook said trying not to make eye contact with the older.

"Oh let's play this. I could totally beat you." Tae said with confidence.

"Yea sure I play this all day every day." Jungkook said trying grabbing the control from off the table.

"Haha we'll see about that." Tae said taking the other controller before putting the disc in the game console.
An hour passes by and they were still playing the same game.

"I'm kinda bored now hyung. Can we do something else?" Jungkook whined.

"Yea i am too. Wanna watch this movie you have been wanting to see?" Tae said sighing and putting his controller down. He grabbed the movie and wiggled it in Jungkook's face.

"Yeah. Is it good?" Jungkook said his eyes widening.

"Good? Good is an understatement. This is the best movie i have ever seen." Tae said standing up and switching out the CD's.

"Ok" Jungkook said making himself comfortable under the fluffy blanket on the couch.

Tae walked back to the couch and sat next to Jungkook where he was sitting before. He put his legs under the blanket with him and their thighs slightly touched. Both of them didn't bother to move their legs but Tae decided to move it closer.

Jungkook jumped from the sudden contact.

"You ok?" Tae said smirking.

"Uh yeah" Jungkook said clearing his throat.

The movie started playing and Taehyung grabbed a bowl of popcorn from off the table in front of them.

"Want some?" Tae said pushing the bowl towards Jungkook.

"No thanks" Jungkook said smiling with his cute bunny teeth.

"Ok more for me." Tae said giggling. Jungkook just rolled his eyes playfully.
Half way through the movie Tae felt a sudden weight on his right shoulder. He looked over and saw Jungkook laying his head on his shoulder fast asleep.

His hair fell on his forehead and his kissable lips were slightly parted.

'Aish we didn't get to the good part yet' Tae thought. But he couldn't get mad at his cute baby bunny.

Tae got pretty sleepy after a while so he turned off the tv and sat the snack bowl down.

Tae poked Jungkook's cheek with his index finger. He didn't even budge.

Then he squeezed his thigh to try to wake him up again. He still didn't move a muscle.

'If he's this hard to wake up why not have some fun?'

'No No No that's not right.'  Tae thought to himself before snapping back to reality.

His hand was still on his thigh. He rubbed it up and down. He couldn't help but notice how muscular it felt under his sweat pants.

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