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He took my hand and led me away from the crowd. I covered my face with my hands and tried to take in what had happened. Roy pulled me to him and hugged me tightly. I shrieked in pain. I still had  fresh and painful wounds from Mike’s beatings. Roy let me go and looked at me in a confused way.
“What is it Jacky? You look like you are in pain.”
“Am okey. Just that I have some wounds on my body and they are so painful. I felt pain when you hugged me.”
“Where did they come from? Did that asshole do that to you? How badly did he hurt you?”
“Yeah, he  did this to me but I will be okay.”
I noticed his anger rise. It was clear that he would hurt someone. He hugged me gently and I let all the tears flow. People were looking at but we didn’t care. He let me go and held my hands.
“I will not let anyone hurt you again. I will do to them worse than I did to him.” He said pointing at the man who had tried to harass me. He was now seated and had covered his mouth with an handkerchief. I looked at Roy and smiled appreciatively. He had saved me again.
“Thanks Roy.”
“You are welcome Jacky. You are now my responsibility and I swear I will protect you with all that I have. Now, are you okey or should we get out of here.”
“Am okey. We can stay but it’s you am worried about. What if that guy tries to revenge?”
“He can’t do anything. Let’s go back to our table.”
We went back to our table and the waiter came to take our orders. I felt like taking something strong or wine to forget all my stress but I didn’t know if it would auger well with Roy. He seemed to read my mind and smiled.
“You can order anything. I know that you need it. Let’s do wine if that’s okey with you.”
I nodded and he whispered some instructions to the waiter. We waited for our order in silence each one lost in their own thoughts but Roy had his gaze on me. The waiter brought our order interrupting all that. He served us and went on with his work. The wine tasted good. I wanted to compliment Roy for his taste but we were still strangers to each other. I was not free with him. We were in two different others. I was now separated with nothing to be proud of and on the other hand, he had everything that one could desire in life.
“ What else has your ex done to you?”
Roy asked interrupting my thoughts. Silence reigned between us for some few minutes. I was thinking about where to start because he had done a lot of bad things after meeting vickie. He noticed that I was uncomfortable and did not rush me. He kept quiet and waited for my answer.
I started talking and told him everything that had been happening for the second time leaving no detail behind. He got emotional and we had to go home. He settled the bill and we left for the mansion. I had missed Braden but he was already asleep when I walked into our room. Jane was sleeping beside him and she woke up with a smile.
“I don’t mind being left with him over and over again Jacky. He is so adorable.”
“Thanks for taking care of him Jane. Am grateful for that.”
She gave me a friendly smile and left the room. I settled beside my son and there was a knock on the door. I thought it was Jane and I went to open it. It was Roy and he had a wide smile on his face. I didn’t know whether I was supposed to welcome him in so I just kept quiet and waited for him to speak.

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