28 | Safety First

Start from the beginning

      After years of waiting (Mina would like to report that it's only been four minutes, but to Jimin it really felt like years) the front door finally opens. But Jimin's no longer happy.

      Something always has to go wrong, doesn't it? Jimin feels his fists involuntarily clench. Just when everything was looking up, too.

      B walks straight to their table in the corner, the dark bags under her eyes screaming her exhaustion. Her frailty is back; the temporary strength the she regained while at the boys' dorm is long gone. Her legs tremble slightly as she walks, threatening to collapse beneath her at any moment, and the dead look in her eyes sends tremors of anger and worry down Jimin's spine.

      She looks like a zombie. I just saw her less than two days ago; how can she change this much in such a short amount of time?

      Jimin nearly leaps out of his chair in his haste to stand up, uncertainties spinning through his head fast enough to make him dizzy. With an upset frown on his face, Jimin gently guides the shaky girl the last couple steps to the table. He lets her lean on his outstretched arm as much as she likes, her tiny wrist shaking with the effort, before gently holding her hand and lowering her into the cushy seat. 

      She doesn't seem too much thinner... she just look exhausted. Jimin's chest physically hurts as he watches the gentle girl struggle to hold her head up, nearly falling asleep the moment she sits down. First her boss tries to make her diet, and now he overworks her? I need to tell Yoongi-hyung just to go ahead and sue him. I don't like this. I don't like this at all.

      The orange haired boy doesn't return to his seat. Instead he crouches beside her chair and stares at her sickly pale face, his own strong hand refusing to let go of her trembling one. She stares back at him with those dark eyes of hers, and Jimin can somehow tell that she won't even argue back if he scolds her. She doesn't have the strength to.

      "B-ah," Jimin's voice nearly cracks, so he clears his throat to prevent it from doing so, "B-ah, what happened? Have you eaten? Have you even slept since you left?"

      To his surprise, B only hesitates for a moment before shaking her head. With a worried huff, Jimin lifts the glass of chocolate milk and helps her trembling hands bring it to her mouth, watching in agony as her arms shake with the effort to only hold up part of the cup's weight. She quickly drinks half of the glass before Jimin pulls the cup from her lips and sets it back on the table top, not wanting her to eat too fast and make herself even more sick.

      Jimin stares at the turkey sandwich on the table skeptically, pondering whether B will be able to stomach something as filling as that when she hasn't eaten for almost 32 hours. Jimin stands up with a grunt, deciding not to risk it, and is quick to order a bowl of soup. Jimin's and Mina's eyes meet as the hostess hands over a bowl of steaming soup, and they share a look of near panic. Jimin sends B's best friend a weak smile, trying his best not to cave in and call Yoongi for help. 

      After placing the bowl on the side of the table, Jimin pulls his chair next to B's, and proceeds to gently blow on a spoonful of the soup before bringing it expectantly to the girl's mouth. With a huff and a glare from the girl who barely comes up to Jimin's shoulders, she accepts the spoonful carefully offered to her. And the next. And the next.

      It's only the second day since B left the dorm, and she already looks like this. Jimin carefully dips the spoon into the half-full bowl and blows on the steaming liquid, bringing the silverware to her pretty pink lips with a steady hand. I don't even want to know what she'll look like at the end of the week. She's coming back to the dorm on Friday, but will she even make it till then? She already looks like she could pass out any second.

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