Order of Shadows

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If you haven't guessed by now, I'm super obsessed with the Kingdom Hearts series.

So naturally, I made up Organization names for me and my friends.

I also came to the realization that I don't have twelve nerd friends ;-;

So here are the names, along with their rank, their weapon(s), and their actual names. Woo! :D

#I: Erivaxle/Valerie. Uses a gold-and-quartz Keyblade named Orcalchiam(pronounced 'ore-cal-shium'), as well as control over water. She's the leader of the Order, as well as the strongest of the bunch. She uses her Keyblade to try to stop Organization XIII from unlocking Kingdom Hearts. She won't let anything stop her, especially nosy little kids that know next to nothing about what they're up against.

#II: Gixba/Gabi. Uses an electric sword and...bees? Yeah. She's definitely the wild one of the bunch. She's got a twisted sense of humor and a laugh that'll haunt the nightmares of any Nobody or Heartless.

#III: Xirsch/Chris. He uses his dark powers to possess items. He's got a dark past and unknown motives for joining the Order. I wouldn't trust him, but Erivaxle does. He's second-in-command.

#IV: Lexxa/Alex. Uses fire-engulfed throwing knives to defeat his enemies. He's got an annoying tendency to hang around Gixba, who was his girlfriend before his heart was devoured. He's also got a twin brother, who he always fights beside in battle. The two of them are immature usually, but deadly in combat.

#V: Enbx/Ben. Uses ice-encrusted throwing knives to attack. His twin is Lexxa, and they fight side-by-side. If you can separate them, they'll go down in a heartbeat, but otherwise...well, plan a trip to the hospital.

#VI: Raxula/Laura. She uses spells from her gigantic book she always carries around. Her speciaty is dark magic. Even if you get rid of the book, she's got it memorized (lolol I made a joke). Engaging in direct combat is a bad idea. She handles missions.

#VII: Nexgam/Megan. She wields thunder pistols, shooting two at a time and sometimes more with the help of magic. Her finishing move is devastating. She's a close comerade of Erivaxle, training new recruits.

#VIII: Tostax/Toast. He uses spears to attack. Similar to Xaldin from Org. XIII, he can summon several spears and make them kill you. To DEATH.

#IX: Issciaxe/Cassie. She wields thunder bombs, jumping around her target and throwing them at lightning speeds. The explosions are almost impossible to avoid. She's quite a bubbly character, despite having no heart.

X: Zixzly/Lizzy. She possesses time powers. She is fairly newto the Order, and cannot fully use her powers, but once she learns of her potential, she could possibly become one of the most influential Nobodies in existence.

XI: Naxna/Anna. She can bend the earth to her will. Brute strength is her main advantage, but she will use magic against you to smash you to the ground without a moment's notice.

~Alternate universe~


Sora & Co. thought they were the only ones fighting against Organization XIII. 

They were wrong.

Enter the Order of Shadows, keeping true to its name and attacking members of Org. XIII when they least expect it. Erivaxle, a former member of the Organization, was used much like Roxas and Xion. But unlike them, Erivaxle's original self was no more. So she set out to form her own league of warriors to combat Org. XIII, not just because of spite and revenge, but to prevent Xemnas from obtaining Kingdom Hearts.

However, before they could reach this goal, they were attacked by a kid named Sora who also wielded the Keyblade. After he squared off against Lexxa and Enbx, Erivaxle confronted him directly. Sora was surprised that a group of eleven teenaged Nobodies had managed to come this far, and vice versa. After Erivaxle helped Sora with the fight against Xaldin, Sora said that he'd try his best to help out with defeating the Organization.

Maybe I'll turn it into a book. Probably not though .-.

WARNING: THE AUTHOR OF THIS BOOK IS MENTALLY INSANEDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora