That Weird Feeling

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Do you ever get that feeling when you're doing a club thing or hanging with a small group of friends, and your stupid self-absorbed brain decides to think, "whoa. I bet every single guy (or girl, I don't judge. Seriously. I'm bisexual heteromantic. It's a thing and I get its stupid but shuddup)


You catch yourself thinking, "woah. I bet every single guy in this group has a crush on me."

And then when you're laying in bed at night typing your almost daily Wattpad chapters you remember that you're an idiot because people are nice and that doesn't always constitute them being into you.

But seriously. Gabe has fake proposed to me on more than one occasion and frankly I'm a little worried for myself because I'm not used to this kind of stuff. Hanging with seniors is weird but at least it's approachable.

(Except Aaron. Aka god among men. Like I'm not even joking, I was talking to my senior friend Katie and that's exactly how she feels.)

I remember Aaron actually hanging out with us backstage, and there's a girl who I've talked to about who she likes. Yeah, her and every other self-respecting female in this fucking school. He is literally the perfect. Guy.

It's not fair!!!

Anyway. In other news, I've noticed that Ben is paying more attention to me. He turned away from his locker this morning to greet me. He called out to me on the stairs during homeroom. Since French II classes are doing French caroling and all of his annoying sophomore friends are in that class, Becca, Ben, Anna (sophomore, not freshman.), and I have the table to ourselves.

We make a pretty great team.

Oh yeah! I talked to Becca about him too! She said if I've got the courage, I can make it work. Now I just have to wait for the right time...

(Also hoping she doesn't find this lol)

And I really hope I won't have to be the one to ask him. It'd be great if I didn't have to initiate something for once. Tbh that was probably the best part about Chris and I's two-week relationship: I didn't ask him out, and no ones ever done that for me before.

So gr9 job Chris ol buddy ol pal *claps*

So yeah. That's me today! This is turning into a diary... >_< it just occurred to me that this book might eventually run out of chapters, and I'll have to start a new one.

I don't know. I've had this book and been constantly updating since I met Megan, which was about a month or two after I joined Wattpad.

If so, I'm going to ask Megan to make me a new cover ;3

Goodnight guys.