Deaged!Nico di Angelo

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Oh Tumblr, I love you. Also, spoilers to da MAX!

Nico gets turned into his sweet little ten-year-old self absorbed in his mythomagic cards stuck on the Argo II with seven really surprised demigods and Coach Hedge, who’s a nutjob.

He has no idea Bianca’s dead but makes this face that’s like, “Oh, yeah, she left me and went with the huntresses” so everyone lies and says that she’s perfectly fine and with Thalia.

He’s got his sweet hero worshipping crush on Percy and pesters everyone about their powers (“Oh my god, a son of Mars?! Do you have 1000+ Attack Points??”) and is obliviously super sweet to everyone because they’re his favorite game come to life.

Everyone pokes fun and like dotes on Nico because Percy is eternally guilty about how he was never there for Nico between the age of 10 and 14.

Hazel goes into big sister mode and is eternally touched with how Nico likes her.

Basically everyone makes sure Nico eats and is safe and even gets him that bell as a joke.

And then there’s Jason.

Sweet, astute, moral-compass Jason who sees Nico so blissfully happy with this adorable smile.

Who knows Nico’s gay.

And so Jason sits down with Nico one of those nights playing games with Nico and casually goes.

"Do you like someone, Nico?" 

And Nico gets forever uncomfortable and tries to change the subject (he also tries to be a little shit and asks if Jason does).

And Jason goes,

"I like this cool guy. He’s a powerful demigod and he’s amazing. He’s got a gorgeous smile." 

And Nico’s all, “You…like a guy???” 

And Jason shrugs and is all, “You can like whoever you want, there aren’t any rules.” 

And Nico is like so confused but also really relieved because this really cool guy is telling him everything is okay.

And he nervously taps his cards and just says, “I think I like guys too.” 

And then little Nico tells Hazel and the others and they’re all surprised since this is a secret that Nico would never let out, but they don’t think any less of him ofc. 

When Nico gets his 14-year-old body back,

he wants to kill Jason.