*rant rant rant*

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Jesus Christ okay

I'm so sorry my updates are horribly slow

I don't have any major conflicts, I just don't want to write! I mean, yeah, I've got other stuff happening. I've been churning out sketches almost daily. My band is practicing more often. Rehearsals for a musical I'm in this summer start soon.

But I'm just not inspired like I used to be! Hell, I didn't even want to write a sequel for Just the Girl. I'm so bad at sequels and the plot was all over the place and god I'm sorry about that. But the only reason I pushed myself to finish it was because you guys liked it so much.

And oh hell, you guys practically threw mini tantrums (like, in a good way) in the Tadashi x Reader comments! I hadn't updated that for eight months!!! I finally decided to continue it and I'm gonna try to implement a schedule but it may just not work.

And oh my god, I feel so bad for the fans of The Girl With the Diamond Blade, I haven't updated that since the Black Plague was a thing.

But you see, I have to be in a certain mindset to update. For my fanfictions--TGWTDB, This is Gospel, and even my unpublished Kingdom Hearts fanfic (which I've been working on since July of LAST YEAR)--I have to have been excited about the subject matter. Like, for TGWTDB, I've gotta scroll down the pjo tumblr tags and pull up the CHB wiki for reference.

Yeah that's right, I do fucking research for my fanfictions.

And ohhhh boy, my kingdom hearts stories. Oh god. I feel so sorry for fans of those. They are so old and I haven't updated them in for-freaking-ever because it takes like a five hour playing session for me to get excited about Kingdom Hearts again.

And holy hell for my unpublished KH fic, I've gotta be excited about KH AND have access to all of the parts, and damn I've gotta somehow weave Riku's route into the story because right now it's just Sora and Roxas because they're my babes and I don't really like Riku that much. Like at all.

I feel like this chapter had a direction at one point.

WARNING: THE AUTHOR OF THIS BOOK IS MENTALLY INSANEWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu