A Freaking Weird Dream~

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So this morning, we had a snow day. I ended up sleeping in until 11:00 am, and was woken up several times by my parents trying, in vain, to wake me up. Therefore, I had lots of dreams.

And boy, they were freaking weird.

Firstly, there was one where I got braces. This is actually kinda normal, considering that I'm getting braces on the 18th.

Secondly, I was ice skating. 1) I'm terrible at skating and 2) I probably would have fallen on my face in reality. But instead I broke physics and spun in a close circle for about an hour.

Thirdly, and this one is the best and longest, we have the masterpiece of dreams known as the Continuation DreamContinuation dreams are dreams that are continued/similar to other dreams that you've had in the past.

In this particular one, I vaguely remember being at camp then being chased through a forest by Draco Malfoy, of all people. I don't remember how exactly the conversation went, but I remember yelling "Never in a million years, Draco!" and then knocking on a fallen tree three times. A small portion of the tree opened up. I fell in, and somehow landed about two stories below with minor injuries. At the bottom, there were five bunnies on a silver tray on a table. I walked over to it and a bunny licked my finger, and then I instantly felt better. Let's hear it for the magical bunnies!

Then, Coach Hedge came out from this little tunnel thing. I stayed down there and eventually my real-life crush comes falling down the tunnel. Then this chubby girl that reminds me of a few people I know. And to clear any confusion, we're all eighteen. Somehow, we end up in Minecraft. Don't ask how.  I find out that I'm a freaking mermaid, and somehow we end up at a swimming pool. There's a quartz heart--how coincidental--and there are squids in the pool. Yes, I love SkyDoesMinecraft so much that references to him are in my dreams. Anyway, the squids stole the quartz heart and are swimming away with it, or at least trying to since they're in a pool. Then they drop it in the 20-foot dropoff at one end of the pool. I have to go get it and the other girl hands me a mermaid item like in Minecraft. I'm just going to skip the awkward part that follows for your guys' sake. 

I get to breathe underwater, which is an incredible feeling. I grab the quartz heart, go back to the surface, transform to my human form, then go ride off into the sunset with a tray of magical bunnies, a crazy, bloodthirsty satyr named Hedge, a girl whose name I don't know, and my crush.

I swear my brain must be on drugs.