Disney Stuff

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Okay new daily ramble

So I've been listening to Disney soundtracks all day right?

First lemme say that Mulan has an AWESOME soundtrack, closely followed by Aladdin.

AND "Colors of the Wind" is not the only song in Pocahontas, okay?!? That movie had a really good soundtrack! People underestimate that movie :(

Also, I just finished watching Hunchback of Notre Dame! I know the story because when I was younger, I had all these little Disney picture books my parents would sometimes read to me. The Three Musketeers and Hunchback of Notre Dame were my favorite <3

Anyway, I REALLY loved "Bells of Notre Dame" and "God Help the Outcasts", but the soundtrack is a little underwhelming. "A Guy Like You" or whatever it's called sung by the gargoyles (also, the fact the gargoyles are named Victor and Hugo = HILARIOUS) Is more than a little boring, and "Hellfire" is just downright creepy. That guy needs some Jesus.

I've seen just about all of the Disney movies since I grew up on them (I was OBSESSED with the Little Mermaid, and my sister was equally obsessed with the Lion King!). However, I haven't seen Treasure Planet or Atlantis in a really really long time--like, first grade! So if anyone has other Disney recommendations, just comment and we can talk about 'em! My personal favorites are Mulan, Aladdin, and Hercules :3

(And lemme just say that it's a damn shame Disney movies aren't animated in 2D anymore. I love classic Disney, it was more personal :( I guess we still have Princess and the Frog tho! That's a such a good soundtrack...)

((OH YEAH!! Almost forgot: "Frozen Heart" is by far the best track from Frozen. Hands down.))