A Freaking Weird Dream Pt III~

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*sigh* I have no idea why I keep having so many weird dreams. This is the first of two this week so far.

So in the dream I was laying in my bed, k? Suddenly, I see a mask on the floor with wide orange eyes fractured like a mosaic. It looks kinda like the Deku(?) mask from Majora's Mask. I blink, and it moves towards me, and a piece of the mosaic eyes disappears. Like SCP-173.

For some reason, this makes me flip the fuck out so I run out of my room. For some other reason, Chris(my friend) is trying to turn on the light, but we all know that that isn't going to work. So the mask kills him. Lots o' screaming.

A large knife appears in my hand and I try to stab the mask, but it doesn't work. Not even a scratch.

I run into my kitchen where my parents are an tell them about the mask. My dad grabs a meat cleaver and my mom grabs a large knife. I grab my mom's wrist and try to drag her towards the front entrance, since the mask has creepy psychic powers and has cut off all the power. I manage to unlock the front door, but my mom escapes my grasp. Lots of tears and sobbing happens all through this.

My parents walk towards my room as I am pushed out of the house by some dark force. I bang on the garage door, begging for my parents to come back out.

They don't.

I hear their screams.

So I walk to the middle of our driveway, and lay down. I look up at the stars and I have one thought:

How am I going to get to school tomorrow?

And then I wake up, scared shitless. And I also sleep with my parents for te rest of the night.
