The ACTUAL Final Goodbye

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Okay so a while ago I published a short oneshot titled "The Final Goodbye" and I thought you guys would start freaking out, so I thought that was pretty hilarious.

However, it's finally reached that dreaded time.

Despite what several people told me, wattpad DOES have a chapter limit.

So, unfortunately, WARNING: the Author of this Book is Mentally Insane is having to come to a close.

It's strange: nearly three years ago, I started this book when I wanted to share one of the funniest conversations I'd ever had with someone who would become one of my best friends. Since then, I have changed so much, and so much has changed around me.

Now, as my first year of high school comes to a close and I'm moving away to a new city, even my online presence will have a new chapter (lol writing jokes)

It's honestly been such an amazing experience to have a place where people can see what I've been thinking for two and a half years. Even if that's really fucked up and sometimes o regret posting but whatever.

So yeah. Thanks to anyone who's read since the beginning, because I don't think there are any of you lol. And thanks to those of you who still read this no matter what, because I'm sure there's a few of you who read this thinking "what the fuck is wrong with this girl" and I can't be more thankful.

I'm not really sure where I'm going with this lol

I'll start up a new random book soon, don't worry ;P

See you next time.


WARNING: THE AUTHOR OF THIS BOOK IS MENTALLY INSANEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें