chapter seventy one

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"Has anyone heard from Lip?" I ask when I come into the Gallagher house. "He didnt come home last night?" Fiona asks as she gives Liam his waffles. "No and I have no idea where the hell he is" I sigh and put Cora down. Shes getting fussy because it's almost time for her to eat so I pick her up and rock her. "Do me a favor and keep her quiet. Franny is still sleeping" Debbie says coming down the stairs. "Yeah I think you know just as well as I do that it isnt easy keeping babies quiet" I remind her and go to make Cora's bottle. "Here" Fiona says and grabs Cora from me. "Thanks" I smile. "You look exhausted Em" Carl tells me coming downstairs. "Lip wasnt home to help with Cora so I was up every two hours instead of us switching" I tell him. After I make the bottle I grab Cora back from Fiona and start feeding her.

A little while later V texts me and tells me that Lip is at the bar. I get me and Cora ready and we head over there. I walk in to him telling V and Kev that he got expelled. "Really?" I question and he sighs and hangs his head. "Thanks for coming home last night. Where were you?" I ask him. "I spent the night in the Cook county jail" He tells me and picks up Cora from her carseat. "What the hell Lip?" I question. "I smashed Youens car windows with a tire iron because he fired me from being TA and then got expelled for swinging at a campus officer" He tells me. "Who bailed you?" I ask sitting next to him. "Youens. He wants me to go to rehab. He thinks I have a drinking problem" He tells me and then kisses Coras little head. "Well its the middle of the day and youve had two beers and two shots of vodka and your sitting where Frank always sits" Kev tells him. "Maybe it wouldnt hurt handsome" I say and rub his arm. "Yeah well Fionas getting married tomorrow and I cant miss it" He reminds me.

The next day Ian and I walk in the boys bathroom at the church to find Lip puking his guts up. "Were almost ready to start" Ian tells him and I sigh. Lip looks at me and I look away. "I think... I think I hear Cora" I lie and walk out. "Here is your baby girl, and come with me to see if Fionas ready" Kev says and I nod. We walk into where Fiona is getting ready. "Wow Fi" I smile at her. "You look incredible" Kev tells her. Lip and Ian walk in and Lip walks over to me. "I'm sorry. I'll get help" He whispers to me. I nod and turn around and kiss him gently. "You need a mint" I whisper back with a laugh. We walk in the room and the priest tells everyone where to stand. "If you arent in the wedding party please find a seat" he says. Ians boyfriend kisses his cheek, Dominique kisses Carls cheek, Kev kisses both V and Lanas cheek, and I kiss Lips cheek and Cora and I go sit down next to Dominique and Kev. "Who gives this bride away?" the priest asks and Lip and Carl raise their hands but then Frank comes in saying that he's gonna walk Fiona but Fiona yells that she doesnt want him here so all of they guys are trying to get him to leave but he says he has a right as the brides dadto be there. "Nobody wants you here Frank" Sean says. "We all have faults and I learned to accept you all through all of them. Lips drinking his breakfast, lunch, and dinner who just had a baby with his second choice fiance. Ians a bipolar queer. Debbie's fifteen with a baby on her hip. Emma over there is marrying and had a baby with the guy that chose Karen over her for a year. Oh and Carl thinks hes a brother, with a foxy looking girlfriend Idont know how you pulled that one off. And Fiona, youve had so many cars go through the freeway in your legs that you need to put an exit sign on your vagina. And now your marrying Sean. Sean, I went to your establishment last night and I went through some of your things. Maybe we should all go back there and we can show your bride the little box you hide in the bottom drawer under the invoices that has the needles and the spoon and the little baggies with this brown powder. How many did you do this morning? How many did you think it was gonna take you to get through all this wedding shit" Frank says and Fiona starts crying and Will runs out. I come up beside Lip and he sighs. "Your an asshole Frank" Kev says and Frank laughs. "Yes I am. But at least I'm an honest asshole" He says and Lip launches at him and punches him in the face. Fiona takes off back down the isle with V and Lana after her. Ian and Kev had to pull Lip off of Frank.

A little bit later Debbie and I go to find Lip who just kind of disappeared. She left Franny with Carl and Dominique but I brought Cora with me. "There you are" I say when we find him. We sit on either side of him and he takes Cora from me and snuggles her close to him. "Are you okay? You look like shit" Debbie tells him. "Thanks Debs. Lifes just kinda fucked up right now" Lip says and I put a hand on his leg. "Frank says your drinking too much. Do you think thats true?" Debbie asks and Lip stays silent. "We dont want you to end up like Frank okay? You have a family that needs you. Look at little Cora, she deserves to grow up with a dad. Franny doesnt get too, we didnt. Dont let Cora grow up like we did" Debbie tells him and he looks at me. I give him a small smile and he kisses my forehead and then Coras.

"Wheres Lip?" Dad asks me when I get home. "He... he umm... hes got a little bit of a drinking problem. He's checking himself into a rehab center. He will be back in thirty days" I tell them. Maddie comes over and takes Cora and Dad wraps me in his arms and lets me cry on his shoulder. "At least he's getting help" He whispers to me.

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