chapter thirty

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Carl is already back from camp and Molly and Mandy are still here. I hear Mandy come in and shes totally hitting on Lip. Asking him what his plans for the day are and if she can tag along. We also learned that her little sister has a penis. "Some of us are still sleeping" Ian says and Mandy wont shut up. Ian is throwing clothes on and I sit up. "Its not worth it Ian. Might as well just get up" I say hopping down and kissing Lip before pulling on some shorts and going downstairs with him. I grab a poptart and some coffee and sit don at the bar. "Ian come down here a sec" FIona yells up to Ian. "Okay listen up Gallaghers... and Milkoviches" She says. "I'm a Anderson" I correct her. "Your a Gallagher" She smiles at me and Lip winks and takes a bit of my poptart. "There digging up the sewer main in a few days so the water will be shut off so we need to do laundry and dishes before hand" Fiona explains to us. "What about toilets?" Jimmy asks. "I guess we just wont flush that day" Fiona says. "We could fill up buckets" Lip suggests and I make a face. I watch as Mandy picks up a piece of toast and feeds it to Lip. "What? Is MY boyfriend crippled or something?" I ask her and she puts the toast down. I roll my eyes at Fiona. "Wait there digging up the yard?" Debbie asks. "Yep" I tell her. "What about Aunt Ginger?" She asks and Fiona ha totally forgot about that she was buried in the yard. Everyone goes there separate ways and Lip and I promised we'd do the daycare today so that Debbie could go to the public pool. I pick up Liam and hold his butt up to Lips nose. "Ew" he says and I hand him to him. "Change him" I smile and go get another baby from their parents for drop off.

We leave the daycare in Mandy and Mollys hands so we can go with Kev to go pick up fireworks. On the way back we break down so Lip gets out and tries to fix it. "SO whats up with Mandy dude? Shes been around a lot lately" Kev asks through the door. "Shes totally into Lip and doesnt give a fuck that he has a girlfriend" I tell him. "Shes gotten hella clingy" Lip sighs. "DOes she help you out woth random stuff? Fold your clothes? Cook for you?" Kev asks and Lip nods. "Your ghetto married dude" he tells him and I shake my head. "I do all that stuff too" I say. "Yeah but your his actual girlfriend" Kev says. "Its super annoying. I hate it" Lip shakes his head. "Yeah, me too" I tell him. He gets the truck started back up and we head home and carry some fireworks inside. "Mandy make yourself useful and set the table" Fiona tells her. "Beer, pop, or water?" Mandy asks Lip. "Waters fine" Lip tells her and she hands me a stack of his folded clothes. "Put these on Lips bed" She tells me and then gets really close to his face, almost like she was gonna kiss him. I walk over to Lip and he sighs. "She'll be out in a week. I promise" He says but I dont budge. He leans over and kisses me gently. "Shes over stepping her boundaries. I know" He says and I turn to go put away his clean clothes. Later when we go upstairs for bed Mandy is sitting on Ians bed. "Hey Lip. Ian and I are going to get high and watch family guy. You in?" Mandy asks him totally not acknowledging that I was standing there. "No thanks we've been driviing all day so Emma and I are gonna get to bed" He tells her and we get in the bunk. Mandy walks over to Lips face. "If you change your mind come on downstairs" She whispers and then walks out. "Shes not even trying to hide the fact shes flirting with you anymore" I say and try to climb over lip so I can go beat her ass but as I'm crawling over he wraps his arms around me and holds me to his chest. "I love you" He whispers and kisses the top of my head.

The next day we are in the ice cream truck and were doing really good. I'm helping get stuff together when Mandy walks in. "You guys look like you could use some help" She smiles and licks her lollipop. "No thats okay" "Sure that would be great" Lip and Kev say at the same time. I glare at Kev and he shrugs. She starts rolling more joints for us. "we're good here mandy, you can go home" Lip tells her. "Have her stay I gotta get over to the Alibi anyway" Kev says. "Me and Emma can handle it" Lip tells him. "I can stay. Really its no trouble" Mandy bites her lip. "God Mandy just go home! To your own house. For once. Please" Lip yells and Mandy leaves. "That was harsh" Kev says. "Less harsh than what I'm gonna do if she keeps on" I say.

When we get home later Debbie is making us dinner. "Why are you being a dick to Mandy?" Ian asks coming down the stairs. "Thats none of your fucking business" Lip tells him. "She called me from her aunts house and said you told her to go home" Ian says leaning up against the counter. "Shes always on me about what we're gonna do and when we're gonna do it and its annoying. I'm not her boyfriend yet she thinks I am" Lip tells him. "She keeps overstepping her boundaries Ian and its not okay. I was being nice to her but I'm done. Its not okay to flirt with other girls boyfriends, or kiss them right in front of you" I tell him and Fiona comes in. "Bad news guys, we all gotta dig tonight. The cities coming and Frank cant find aunt ginger" she says. "Once again saddles with a mess we didnt create" Lip says grabbing a beer. "The sooner we get out there the sooner it will be all over" Fiona tells us. "I dont want Molly to leave!" Debbie says and runs away. "Whats up with her?" Veronica asked. "She got her period at the pool today" Carl laughs and Fiona rubs her face and sighs. "I cant wait to get my period" Molly tells us and I look at Lip. Fiona walks over and puts her hand on her shoulder. "Your not a girl honey. Your a boy that was raised by a jacked up meth head mother to be a girl because she hated men" Fiona tells her and Molly looks sad. "I'm not a girl?" She asks me and Lip and I shake my head.

We all go outside and start digging when Carl throws firecrackers out in the yars and makes them blow a little hole into the ground. "Did you get that from the firework stash?" I ask him and he nods. "Go get some more" Lip tells him. Jimmy stumbles through the smoke and hes obviously drunk. He starts talking about his dad again and Fiona goes off on him and tells him to get over it. "I'm always there for you and the one time I need you your like fuck off?" He asks as he stumbles to stand up. "Carl thinks hes a cancer survivor, Molly thinks he's a girl, Debbie is getting terrorized at the pool, Emma cant get Mandy Milkovich to hop off her boyfriends dick, I've got three drunk assholes behind me digging up my yard, this whole place smells like sewage, and we're all on the verge of going to prison. So you wanna talk? Fine. Grab a shovel and talk about how your dad gave a blowjob to a teenager but dig while you do it" Fiona yells at him. He yells back and then stumbles away. We're all still digging when it starts to get dark. "Alright bedtime. We'll start back in the morning" Fiona yells and everyone but Fiona, Lip,and I go inside. Lip lights a joint and hands it to Fiona. "Dont worry about your dweeb. Hes just off licking his wounds" He tells her. "Us Gallaghers sure know how to pick em" She sighs and then looks up at me. "Except you. Your great. We couldnt be more lucky" She smiles and hands the joint back. "Thank Fi" I say and she goes inside. "Go hop in the shower, I'll be there in a bit" Lip tells me. "Are you calling Mandy Milkovich to apologize because you feel bad for being mean to her?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "Okay. I'll see be in the shower" I say and go inside. I'm not sure who he called but when I got out of the shower he wasnt anywhere to be seen. I assumed he went to apologize to Mandy in person.

The next day Debbie asked me to do daycare so she could go handle her situation at the pool. OF course I said yes. I was sitting there with the little ones watch tv when Ian and another milkovich brother carry Mickey in. "What happened?" I ask running in the kitchen when Jimmy's dad comes in dressed in his doctor stuff. "His wife shit me in the ass!" Mickey screams. Theirs a knock on the door so I go open the door. "Who are you?" I ask but the question doesnt get answered before Fiona comes running in the back door. "Who the fuck are you?" Fiona asks her. "Im Brittany Sturges. From child protective services" she tells us and I look over at Fiona. Debbie comes in and starts telling us about how she almost drowned a slut. "You dont F with Debbie Gallagher!" She yells in the womans face. "Debs" Fiona sighs.

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