chapter forty one

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We're all sitting at the hospital waiting to hear about Liam. "They probably took her to district six with booking. Thats usually where they take you before they take you to county. Shes gonna need a lawyer. Anyone you want us to call?" Kev asks but Lip isnt paying attention. "Lip" Kev says trying to get his attention. "Yeah?" Lip mumbles. "Is their a Lawyer you want us to use?" Kev asks and then starts talking about one of his old Lawyers. Finally a doctor comes out. "Fiona Gallagher?" She asks. "Phillip Gallagher" Lip says standing up. "Is Fiona here?" She asks. "NO ma'am" I tell her. "Will she be back?" The doctor asks. "Not anytime soon" Lip tells her. "Is their another parent or guardian available?" She asks. "No ma'am. Is liam gonna be okay?" I ask. "I really need to speak to a legal guardian or parent" She tells us. "Look, my moms bipolar and she took off years ago. My dads a drunk and the cops just hauled Fiona off in handcuffs. Okay. I'm the only thing that passes for a responsible adult that your gonna find. Now hows Liam?" Lip tells her. He reaches for my hand before she starts talking and squeezes it tightly. She starts talking about everything that is wrong with Liam and says he has started to settlw down. "Can we see him?" Veronica asks. "I'm sorry. Only immediate family over eighteen is allowed" She says. "Emma go with Lip. Kev and I will stay here with Debbie and Carl" Veronica says. "I'm no-" I start to say. "Your Liams sister in law... thats immediate family" She says and I nod and walk hand in hand with Lip. "You two are married?" the doctor asks and I pull of the ring I always wear that was my grandmothers and put it on my wedding finger before she notices. I hold up my hand and she nods and leads us to Liam. They have him tied down on a bed in nothing but a diaper. "Why is he tied down?" I ask. "He was agitated and hurting himself. Normal in cocaine over doses" She tells me. She starts talking about how he should recover from the over dose but he had some seizures and that could cause long term problems. "If I was a betting woman I'd say he will make a full recovery" She tells us and then walks out. I watch as Lip goes over and holds Liams tiny hand and speaks to him softly. He looks so fragile sitting in the bed like that. Tears roll down my face. I've known Liam since he was barely one. I basically helped raise him this far and cant believe this happened.

Lip and I sit in the hallway and I fill out paperwork for him. Kev comes over and starts talking to us. "We got the kids but to bed and V's gonna stay with them. Whats Em filling out?" He asks. "Admission papers. The only problem is we're poor" I sigh as I continue to fill stuff out. "They arent gonna kick a sick toddler to the curb just because he doesnt have a gold card" Kev tells us and then starts talking about Fiona and lawyers. "No" Lip says. "What?" Kev looks at him. "Lawyers work for free?" Lip asks. "V and I can front you some cash" Kev says. "Loan us some money so we can never pay you back?" Lip asks. "She needs a lawyer" Kev tells him. "And she'll get an appointed one" Lip tells him. "Are you fucking kidding me? An over worked right out of school lawyer with a couple hundred cases?" Kev says. "Works for me" Lip says turning his attention back to the papers I was filling out. "It was an accident Lip" Kev tells him. "If you say so" Lip says not looking at him. Kev starts talking to him about how Fiona might do some serious time. "Shes family" Kev sighs. "It's almost five oclock. I've got a quantum physics test in three hours. Guess i'm gonna miss it huh?" Lip says and gets up and walks away with the papers. Kev looks at me and I shrug. "I know that my opinion does matter and Fiona has done everything for me and I love her... but the coke shouldnt have been where Liam could reach it" I tell him and get up to follow Lip.

When Kev heads home I go with him. We stop and pick up some donuts and then walk into our house. "Shouldnt the kids be getting ready for school?" Kev asks. "Let them stay out today" I tell them. "Wheres Lip?" Veronica asks. "He's staying with Liam. I wanted to stay but he wouldnt let me. He said I needed to sleep" I sigh. "You do" Kev tells me. "Yeah he wasnt very helpful. He made me come home too" I say talking about Kev. "Go home sweetie. I'm sure your family is worried about you" Veronica tells me. I nod and sigh. "I'm going back up to the hospital later" I tell them and then head home. "You sounded panicked when you called to tell us you werent gonna be home last night. What happened?" Mom asks. "You look like crap" Maddie tells me. "Stuff happened last night and I spent all night in the hospital" I say and Dad sits me down. "Tell us what happened" Dad says and tears start streaming down my face. "Fiona fucked up. Shes had a hard week and someone dropped off some Coke for her birthday. Liam got into it and over dosed" I say and they look at each other. "How old is he?" Dad asks. "Three" I sniffle. "Is he gonna be okay?" Mom asked me and I nod. "He had some seizures and they arent sure if theirs brain damage or not" I sigh. "i'm gonna go take a bath and take a nap" I tell them and they nod. I

After my nap I get up and put on some tights and one of Lip's tshirts and head back to the hospital. When I get there Carl is sitting with Liam. "Hey buddy. How did Fionas hearing today go?" I ask. "Bond is one hundred thousand. Debbie ran away because Lip wants to just let her sit in jail because we dont have the money to get her out. The hospital wants to put Liam in foster care unless we can find Frank so Carl and Kev are out looking for him" Carl informs me. "Why cant they release Liam to Lip? He's eighteen" I ask. "He has to do something, I dont remember what it's called. He's at college though" He sighs and looks over at Liam. I sit down beside him and pull him to me. "It's all gonna be okay" I tell him.

When it gets dark I take Carl home. I hear Lip come in. "Oh hey. What are you doing here?" He asks and kisses my cheek. "I spent all day with Carl at the hospital and I brought him home. Nurses said that Liam is resting comfortably" I tell him and wrap my arms around his waist. He hugs me tightly and then Carl comes back downstairs. "Who's this?" Lip asks pointing to the kid on the couch. "Chucky. Your nephew" I tell him and he looks at me strangely. "I know right. Frank went and tracked down your half sister. Her name is Sammy and shes upstairs in the shower. Shes taking care of frank because he's dying"I tell him. "I'm gonna go back to the hospital. Will you stay here and make sure that the kids go to school tomorrow?" He asks and I nod. "Debbie isnt home" Carl says. "I cant believe she never came home" I say and Lip is already on the phone and running out of the house to find her.

The next morning Debbie never came home but we decided to let them skip school anyway because Liam was getting out of the hospital today. We're all sitting in the waiting room when Debbie comes in. "Where have you been?"I ask her. "At Matts" She says. "Who's Matt?" Veronica asks and then a boy comes in that looks about Lip and I's age. "Your THE matt? How fucking old are you?" Lip asks getting up. "Who are these people?" Debbie asks. "New sister Sammy, and nephew Chucky" Carl tells her. Before Lip can pound Matt's face in the nurse brings Liam out. We all rush over to him and he smiles big at us. "Liams black?" Sammy asks Matt. "yeah he is but the test has been done. He's definitely Franks" I tell her. Liam is so happy to see all of us. "Emma" HE babbles in his cute little baby voice. "Hey baby boy" I say and kiss his forehead. .

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