chapter fifty five

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"Hey" Lip says when he walks into the mental hospital where Fiona and I are sitting waiting on Lip. Fiona and Lip start talking about his tuition when a lady comes out and asks us if we are there for Ian. We stand up and follow her back. Lip grabs my hand as we walk and I squeeze it. The lady tells us hes bipolar and a little psychotic. She gives a bunch of meds and tells us we have to get him to a doctor. She gets up and leaves and not long after Ian walks in. Lip and Fiona jump up and hug him and I wait until theyre done. "Hey princess" He says giving me a small smile. I hug him and whisper in his ear "dont forget that the baby is a secret".

When we get Ian home he immediately goes upstairs to go to bed after everyone else says their hellos to him. The doctor told us that until his medicine is sorted out he will sleep a lot. "I cant believe mickey isnt here" I tell Lip. "I know. Weird" He sighs. I still havent even hinted at the baby. "you good here?" Lip asks Fiona and she nods. "Yeah go on" Fiona says and he grabs my hand and pulls me outside with him. "I've got a plan to keep me in school" he tells me and opens the car door for me. We go to the alibi room and Lip tells Kev that he wants to open the ice cream truck back up, but not a truck. "I'm not following" Kev says and I laugh. "Its pledge week. People are plastered all week long" I tell him. "We can set up in the empty room where the fat kid tried to commit suicide and hit up all the frat houses and make bank" Lip tells him. "What the hell, I've always wanted to go to college" Kev says and puts Kermit in charge of the bar.
When we get there we spend most of our time rolling joints. Lip heads to the financial aid office with over six thousand dollars in his pocket. I wait patiently in his room waiting for him to come back. Lip became an RA so he gets his own room for free. When I walk in with the extra key he had made for me I see a naked lady painted on his wall. "What the hell?" I mumble knowing he didnt paint it. I sit on the bed and wait for him to come back. When he gets back he jsut tells me lets go home.

When we get there we hear everyone yelling for outside and Fiona is walking up at the same time we get out of the car. We all rush inside. "What the hell is going on here?" Fiona asks. "My son is under arrest because of your brother!" Sammy yells. "Ian?" Lip asks but she points at Carl instead. "What exactly did Carl do?" I ask her. "He tricked Chucky into smuggling heroin!" She yells. "Heroin?" Fiona asks as Lip smacks the back of his head. "WHat the hell Carl? WHere did you get heroin?" I ask him. "Do the right thing and tell the police it was you" Sammy continues to yell. "Sammy I dont think yelling helps at all" I say getting a massive headache and feeling nauseous. "Why are you even here? You arent apart of this family!" She hollars. "Shes been apart of this family longer than you Sammy" Lip tells her and I run to the downstairs bathroom to throw up. When I come out of the bathroom I hear police men beating on the door. "Carl Gallagher" The man says. "He ran that way!" Sammy tells them. "What the fuck Sammy?!" We all yell. "I told them it was Carl and I told Chucky to tell them it was Carl!" She yells at Fiona.

A little while later we are sitting at the police station waiting to hear about Carl. "What was up with your running away to puke?" Fiona asks me as we're sitting there waiting. "Umm It's really something for another time" I tell her and everyone looks at me. "What's going on?" Lip asks me grabbing my hand. "I wanted to tell you privately" I tell him and his eyes open wide. "Are you...?" he asks and I nod. I pull the sonogram picture out of my pocket and hand it over. I was expecting him to say that we will talk about it later. When I look over at him hes smiling down at the picture. "Lifes been real shitty lately... Nothing it going my way. This is the best news I could have gotten... I love you so much" Lip says and then presses his lips to mine. I smile and then the officer comes out and tells us that it'll be a couple of hours.

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