chapter sixty

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"Morning" I say coming in the house. Debbie asked me to go to the clinic with her and Fiona this morning. "What are you smiling about?" Fiona asks Debbie. "I'm just being happy. Cant I be happy?" She asks and Fiona shakes her head no. "No not about this. Now lets go" She says and I grab Liams hand. "Come on sweet cheeks. Lets go. Yay pre k!" I say and we drop him off before heading to the clinic. "Gallagher" The lady calls and we all start to walk back. "Are you coming?" Debbie asks looking at Fiona. "Do you not want me too?" She asks and Debbie shakes her head. "Ive got this" She says and Fiona and I go sit back down. When she comes back she shakes her head no. "Your not pregnant?" Fiona asks and shes happy about it. "Lets go get some donuts before we drop you off at school" She says. Debbie and I wait in the car while Fiona goes in to get donuts. "You lied" I tell her and she sighs. "I know" She tells me. "Why did you tell Fiona you werent pregnant if you are?" I ask her. "She'll make me get rid of it" Debbie tells me. "So what your gonna wait to tell the truth until It's too late?" I ask her and she nods. "Wont it be cool though too have our babies so close together?" Debbie smiles at me and I laugh slightly. "Yeah Debs. Theyll be close" I say.

"Whats so important I had to come over right now?" I ask coming in the back door and I see Fiona with a cake in the kitchen. "Did I miss someones birthday?" I ask panicked and she shakes her head. "Carls home" She smiles and I gasp and walk in the livingroom and see him in on the couch with his hair braided back. "Hey kid. Missed ya!" I say and he gets up and hugs me. "What the hells that?" He asks looking at my small baby bump. "Yeah your gonna be an uncle" I tell him. "Thats cool for real" He smiles and then Lip comes in. "Hey babe" I smile and kiss him. "Hey gorgeous" He says and touches my stomach lightly. We sit around and eat cake and then I start feeling really sick so Lip takes me back to my house. "Ugh this baby is killing me!" I groan laying back. Lip lays down and pulls me close but I quickly have to push him off and go throw up all the cake I ate.

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