chapter twenty seven

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I hear Fiona and Jimmy upstairs yelling when a drunk Frank walks in looking for a bed. Since we moved things around he didnt have one anymore. "Go!" Lip yells and we all take off running upstairs and I run into our room. "Whats going on?" Fiona asks. "Drunk Frank looking for a bed" Lip yells and moves our dresser infront of the door. We watch as Debbie escorts Frank into her room and lays him down on a tarp. "Are you going to school today?" I ask Lip during breakfast. "Im gonna skip the first three periods and get a jump start on my community service" He tells me and I nod. I get my stuff and go to school. On my lunch break I go to where my boyfriend is picking up trash. I find him sitting on the stairs smoking a joint with another guy. "Hey gorgeous" He says when I walk up. "Hi" I smile and kiss him. I sit on the stairs with him and the other guy passes me he joint. "I'm Chris" He says. "Emma" I smile and take a drag. "Smells good" One of the guys planting flowers says walking over. "twenty bucks a joint" He says even though he usually charges ten. "Can I buy five?" He asks. "Of course" Lip says and gets the joint bag out.
"Im Casper" The nerdy kids says. "Lip and Emma" Lip says introducing us and Chris introduces himself. Chris passes him the joint and he takes a drag but it was obvious he had never smoked weed before. He starts telling us about how they plant flowers around chicago to 'help the poor' and then apologizes because we're poor. Lip ends up making a deal with him and said he might need him for some work.

Lip and I head back to school and we're walking down the hall when the science teacher comes after us. "Mr.Gallagher, I just spoke to Mr.Heeley" She starts. "Oh yeah? Are those rumors about you two true?" He asks and I shake my head and laugh. "He said you were supposed to ask me for a recommendation" She says. "And in his mind I was supposed to do that" Lip says stopping at our classroom. "A science recommendation looks incredible on a college application" She tells us. "I'm sure it does" He says and opens the door for me, and then follows me inside.

After school I go home and Lip goes to talk business with someone. Jimmy makes us pasta for dinner and then he says he needs to leave. "Debbie will you watch Liam?" He asks. "Cant. Going to Sheilas to watch Hymie" She says. "I got him" I tell Jimmy and he runs out. Thankfully Liam goes down super easy and when Lip comes home we go to our room and shut the door.

The next morning Carl wants to know where Jimmy is for breakfast. "He's sleeping in. Eat your cereal" Fiona tells him. "Im spoiled now. I need an omelette" He fusses. "Did you wear Jimmy out?" Lip teases. "Why cant Emma quit yawning?" She asks and my cheeks turn red. Frank walks in with his buddies and they try to go upstairs to nap but Lip and Ian wont let them up the stairs. They act like there gonna leave but then Frank yells charge and they all go upstiars. "Pick a bed Fellas" Frank says and plops down in Debbies bed. We all run upstairs to try to get them out and Frank and Fiona are fighting and he shoves her up against the door, and then falls on Debbies project that she worked really hard on. I watch as Debbie starts to panic and then runs out of the room. Everyones screaming and yelling again. Debbie comes back with her pillow case full of soap that shes been using as a weapon when she has to walk home late at night. She jumps on the bed and starts beating the shit out of Frank. Lip and Ian are finally able to get Frank out of the house, and they throw him in the dumpster.

Fiona was having her party tonight, that she used all of the property tax money for, so Lip had a genius idea to get it back. He told a bunch of people that told a bunch of other people that some band was playing at the party, even though they arent. He charged each car twenty bucks to park, thirty for valet, and then we bounced before people realized that the band wasnt gonna be there. When Fiona got home I was sitting out front with Veronica, she was upset because Kev's wife showed up. "Can I sleep here?" She asked Fiona. "Of course" She tells her and she runs inside and Lip comes out and sits next to me. He lights a cigarette and then hands it to me and starts fighting with Fiona. "Here just take the money and I'll get the rest tomorrow" She fights. "I handled it" He says and then tells her what he did. "Maybe I should handle the family money" he says and turns towards me. "Come inside Em" He says and helps me up.

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