chapter fifty four

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"Hey babe I just wanted to tell you to have a good first day of class" I tell Lip when he answers the phone this morning. "I dont have a schedule" He says. "What?" I ask confused. "I hecked my computer this morning and it says I dont have a schedule. Awe fuck... this line is huge. I gotta go. I love you" He says before hanging up. I sigh and lay back on my bed. I havent told him about the pregnancy because I didnt want to say anything until I knew for sure. "Hey baby, Everything okay?" Mom asks coming in my room. I sigh and she comes and sits on my bed with me. "I know" She tells me and I sit up. "You know what?" I ask. "Your pregnant" she says. "How?" "A mother just knows I guess. I think I knew before you did" she laughs. "Did you tell dad?" I ask and she shakes her head. "You could be pregnant for nine months and have the baby and hed never notice" She laughs. "Did you tell Lip?" She asks and I shake my head. "I have an appointment with my doctor today just to make sure before I tell him" I tell her. "I'll go with you" She smiles.

"congratulations you are indeed pregnant. Your about eight weeks along" the doctor tells me. I mile slightly. "There are options if there isnt a dad or the dad doesnt want to be involved" the doctor tells me. "I'm engaged. I just dont know how or when I'm gonna tell him. Things arent great at home" I say leaning up and looking at the sonogram picture she gave me. "Look mom" I smile and she nods. "Look at that smile. Your getting excited now" She laughs.

"Its just a horrible time. I mean I know I can be a mom. I'd be a great fucking mom but like Lips in school and everything going on with Ian" I say as I pace around Calebs apartment with Sophia on my hip. "Yeah I wasnt ready either. They come at the worst times" He laughs getting up and kissing Sophias head and taking her from me. "I'm going to lay this little girl down for a nap" He says and I nod. "i'm going to visit Ian. Love you!" I call as he walks that way. I head to the psych ward. "How do you know the patient?" The desk lady asks me. "Sister in law" I tell her and she gives me a visitors tag. I go into the rec room and see Ian sitting there. "Hey Ian" I smile and sit down across from him. He reaches over and grabs both of my hands and looks at my ring. "Whats this? He asks. "Lip asked me to marry him. We're gonna stay engaged for a couple years and save up and have a nice wedding and stuff but since your my bestfriend I wanted to tell you a secret. Lip doesnt know yet so you have to promise me you wont tell" I tell him and ne nods. "I'm gonna have a baby" I tell him and he smiles. "Really? Lips?" He asks. "Well of course" I say and he smiles at me. "Thats great Em" He tells me. "Visiting hours are over" The guard comes and tells me. "Bye Ian" I say and hug him.

When I get home later mom and dad are just sitting down to eat dinner. "Wanna eat with us?" Dad asks but just the smell of the fish mom cooked is making me nauseous. "I'm actually gonna head over to the Gallagher house. Debbie and Carl are really struggling with the whole Sammy being here thing" I tell them and they nod. When I pull up I see Lips car out front. I walk in and hes yelling to them about some papers. "Whats wrong babe?" I ask him. "No one told me about these papers and they are my grant papers. I cant pay to go to school this semester. I just took out a five thousand dollar cash advance and now my credit is ruined!" He keeps yelling. Frank is sitting there eating out mac and cheese out of the pot. I sit between Debbie and Carl on the couch. "We're all adults here Lip. Have to take responsibility for our own actions. Cant rely on each other" Frank says and then Sammy pulls out a gun and points it at Frank. Lip rushes over and pulls Debbie and I off the couch and pushes us away. Carl rushes over too. "Put the gun down Sammy!" Lip yells at her. "This isnt about you Lip. This is about me and him" She yells and Frank takes another bite of mac and cheese before putting the pot down. "Any dessert?" He asks as he stands up and walks over out way but Lip pushed us towards the front door. "Get the hell out or I will shoot you!" Sammy yells at Frank. We poke our heads back out once hes to the kitchen. "Go ahead" Franks says and opens his arms wide. 'You dont have the guts" Franks laughs at her and walks away. She shoots him in the arm and the flour behind him explodes. "Holy fuck!" Lip yells. "Carl" I say, whos hiding under the stairs. He runs over to me and I push him behind me. Sammy grabs the salt and inches towards Frank. "Tell me you need me!" She yells in his face. "Even you arent that bat shit crazy" Frank laughs. "Yes I am" She laughs and pours salt all over his open wound. "Okay ahhh I need you!" Frank yells and Sammy goes back to normal and gets Frank and takes him to the hospital. We come out of the livingroom and too the kitchen. "Fuck" I mumble and then I start cleaning Franks blood off the kitchen floor.

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