chapter twenty six

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It's been four and a half months since Lip came home, and since we've seen Frank. Who knows where he went. All the snow has melted and weve gone back to shorts and tshirts. When I get up this morning my room is empty. I get dressed and come downstairs where Jimmy is making breakfast. "Wheres Lip and Ian?" I ask since we usually all walk to school togehter. "They said they had to go downtown and pick something up before school" Jimmy informs me. I shake my head and pull on my backpack. "Here take some french toast" Jimmy calls after me and I grab two pieces and start walking.

Lip never showed up to school and Ian and I are in different grades so we're on different hallways, I really only see him when we all meet up to smoke. When I get home from school I find Liam at home alone. I walk up a the same time as Debbie and Carl so Debbie runs around thinking that Frank is home but of course he isnt. I pick up Liam and Debbies upset when she found that Frank wasnt home. "Will you watch Liam while I go find Lip and Ian?" I ask her and she agrees. I go the first place I always look, under the L. "Phillip Gallagher!" I call when I see him. "Hey babe. I missed you today" He tells me as he puts down the laser thing he has and runs over and kisses me. "Missed me from where because it sure as hell wasnt school" I say putting my hands on my hips. "Ian and I got caught stealing this and he wont get into westpoint with a felony charge so he jumped off the roof and I took the wrap" He tells me honestly. I shake my head and punch his arm. "Ow! What the hell" He says and I lean in and kiss him. "I was worried sick about you all day long" I tell him. "show me how much you missed me" He says picking me up and I laugh. "You got yourself a deal but I am not having sex with you under the L. Lets go home" I say and he puts me down ad packs up his stuff. We started having sex about two months ago. We were home alone one night and I made dinner and we ate together and as we were cleaning up things got heated. And then they got heated again in the shower.

"Whats that?" Fiona asks when she comes in from work later that night. "Its a mini mars rover" Lip says and then explains his plan for it. "We're gonna blow shit up" Carl smiles. "Hey language!" Fi yells at him. "Hey Fi, we got the final notice on the property taxes today" I tell her and hand her the notice. "No dinner?" She asks. "No Jimmy" Debbie explains.

When Frank stopped living here, and Jimmy started living here we swapped rooms around. Carl was tired of being crammed so we put him in the room with Ian and Liam which left no where for me and Lip to go so Fiona put me and Lip in her room, and Jimmy and her took Franks room. It was nice for me and Lip to have a room of our own. We took full advantage of it. Fiona comes in and stands in the door frame. "Wheres your pants?" Fiona asks me. "Ummmm...." I say and she laughs. "Are you at least being smart?" she asks and Lip holds up a big box of condoms. "No more gallagher mouths to find anytime soon" he assures her.

The next day at school I'm sitting with Lip while he welds stuff together for his mini mars rover when the counselor comes in. "What are you doing this summer?" He asks Lip. "A lot of what I did last summer. Drinking too much beer, smoking a shit ton of weed, and hanging out with Emma" He tells him and the counselor shakes his head and looks at me. I just shrug. "Your doing college applications" he tells him. "Why does everyone just assume that I'm going to college?" Lip yells. "You have a four point six. Your going to college and your gonna graduate" he says. "I have some community service hours to do" Lip says and goes back to welding. Once the counselor is gone Lip looks up. "Babe. You have a four point six" I say standing up. He shrugs and I walk over and wrap my arms around his neck. "Thats amazing. I'm proud of you" I say and kiss him. He gives me a small smile. "Get back so I can weld. If I burned you I'd never forgive myself" He says and kisses me again.

I follow Lip down the stairs as we walk into the battle bot place. When we get to the registration table the guy gives us hell, but Lip signs up anyway. When we go inside we see some pretty cool bots, scary looking. "Piece of cake" Lip tells me, Ian, and Carl. "And in this corner, representing the southside!" the announcer calls. I stand next to Emma and in my head I was panicking but Lip swears hes got this. Hes losing for a majority of it but then he turns the laser on, and the other bot blows up. "Hell yeah!" We cheer and I kiss him passionately. When Fiona gets home we bring the trophy down to show her. "You won!" She calls excitedly. We all sit at the table and Jimmy made us spaghetti. Lip is explaining the bot battles to everyone else when Frank walks in. "Daddy!" Debbie yells.

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