chapter twenty four

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Its been a couple days since we bailed Monica out of jail and Lip is still not coming home. "Is Lip coming home for thanksgiving tomorrow?" Debbie asks as I come downstairs. "Yes" "I dont know" Fiona and I say at the same time. "I'm sure he isnt gonna miss thanksgiving Debs" I tell her. "I thought after you two became an item again he'd move back in" Debbie tells me and I sigh. "Yeah me too" I mumble and then go to find Lip. I find him walking down the street away from me. I run after him and jump on his back. "Oh my god, this better be Emma or I'm gonna lose my shit" HE says and I jump down. When he turns around I kiss him passionately. "Got a little time?" I ask pulling at his belt. "I so wish I did. Come with me and maybe we'll get a free moment later" he smiles and I nod. "Where we going?" I ask lacing my fingers with his. "With Steve to pick up his wifes boyfriend" he tells me and I nod. 

We stand outside the car and wait for the guy to get out of one of the cargo crates. "What an odd way to sneak someone into the country" I say and Lip laughs. When he finally gets to us him and the Brazilian lady are in separable. We all get in the car and before we can even all get in the car the two Portuguese speakers are already having sex in the back. "You can sit in my floorboard" Lip tells me. "Once again, sorry. I should stop bringing you on these types of things" he says and sits down and scoots his chair all the way back so I have room to sit in the floor board. I lean my head back in his lap and he plays with my hair. "You can let us out here" Lip says pointing and so Steve pulls over and we get out. "ready to go home?" Steve asks Lip. "Are you tryna get rid of me?" Lip asks "No but I'm sure Emma would love for you to come home" He tells him and I nod. Lip takes me over to the house and nobodys home. "Wanna come upstairs?" I ask and he smirks and follows me up. We dont have sex yet, but we do other things. 

After we mess around for a bit we go over to Karens. "Wait your mom is having sex with your husband?" I ask her just to clarify what was going on. "Soon to be ex husband" She reminds me and I nod. We sit down at the diningroom table and they start talking about which couple to give the baby too. "I scheduled a c section for friday. I want this monster out of me" She tells us and Lips eye brows raise. "I'm gonna see the little guy in friday" He says looking at me. "Only for a second" Karen says popping his bubble. WHen were done there we head back to Steves to hang out. "Who was that?" I ask him when he gets done listeing to a voicemail. "Fiona telling me I'm invited to thanksgiving. And to send you home because she needs you" He tells me. "Please come" I beg him and watch as he deletes the message. "Will you help me with something before you go home?" Lip asks grabbing my hips. I nod and we go inside and Steve is listening to the tv really loudly. "WHat the hell Steve?" I call over the noise and he mutes the tv and all you can hear is Estefana and Marco fucking. "Well okay" Lip says and I grab his chin and draw his attention away from them fucking. We go into Lips bedroom. "Dont be fucking in there, i cant drown it out from both sides!" Steve calls after us. Luckily when we get in Lip's room its quiet. "I'm making this little video to send off with my son. I want you to be in" He tells me. "Are you sure?" I ask with a smile on my face and he nods. He sits on the bed and I wait until he calls me over. "Well I guess I'm gonna end this now because your coming into the world on Friday. I hope I get to spend some time with you before we hand you off to your new parents. I wish it could be us but things are difficult over here. Your real mom just isnt the one for me" He says and waves me over. I sit down next to him and smile at the camera. "This is Emma. Shes the woman I love and in a perfect world she would be your mom and we would take such good care of you, but it isnt a perfect world. If you ever wanna contact me that would be cool. You can just look of this ugly mug" He says and pints to himself "or this beautiful one. Either one will work" He says and points to me. "Bye baby boy" I say and we end the video. I kiss him gently. "I need to get home. Please consider coming to thanksgiving. The kids miss you so much" I tell him and kiss him again before leaving. 

The next morning I get up early with Fiona and get ready for thanksgiving. I throw on my mom jeans and a long sleeve maroon tshirt and some white slip on Vans that I stole from a public gym on the north side. I pull my hair half up half down and we get to work i the kitchen. After a few cups of coffee we start drinking beer. Carl shot a bald eagle yesterday so Kev was working hard plucking it. Steve wanders in the kitchen. "Hey steve" We all say. "You know what Debbie, lets make it official. Its Jimmy" He smiles and we all nod. "To Jimmy!" We say raising our beers. He gets disgusted over the fact that we want him ot eat a bald eagle so he goes out and buys us a turkey. "Wait why were you here last night? Wheres Lip?" I ask and he sighs. "We moved out of the hotel and let Estefana and Marco have it" He tells me. "Then where the hell is Lip?" I question him and he shrugs. I go outside and light a cigarette and call Lip. "Happy thanksgiving!" I say when he answers. "Karens having the baby. Come to the hospital" He tells me and hangs up. I run inside and tell Fiona where I'm going anf throw on my coat before going to the hospital. I run in about the same time Lip does. "Hey Jeff and Alana!" He says running past the adoptive couple. "Coming in?" He asks them. "We cant Karen didnt want us in there" Alana says. "I'm gonna stay out here babe" I tell him and he hands me the tape and runs in. "Lip made this for the baby. He was hoping you would give it to the baby at some point, if you want to of course. Umm I'm in at the end a little" I smile and then nod and smile sweetly as they take the tape. "He'll really appreciate it" I tell them.

A little while later the whole family comes running over. "WHat are you guys doing here?" I ask. "Karens having her baby! You said you were going to the store not the damn hospital!" Fiona yells at me. "Monica cut her wrists at thanksgiving dinner" Debbie tells me and I gasp and they put us all in robes and hair caps before letting us in the room. As the baby comes Lip holds onto me tightly. When the baby comes we all cheer and Lip kisses me. "Umm doctor!" The nurse yells when they have the baby over on the table. We all walk over and the kids look at it confused. "Why does it look like that?" Debbie asks. "Its got down syndrome debs" She says. "ANd its fucking asian" Lip says angrily. They try to get her to hold the baby but she refuses. "What the fuck Karen? I thought you said it was mine!" Lip yells at her. "I never said that you just thought that. You wanted it to be yours. I fucked Timmy Wong just as much as I fucked you" She says and rolls her eyes. "Go tell Jeff and Alana to come get there baby" She says and Lip walks out of the room pissed off. "Should I go after him?" I ask. "I dont think so honey" Veronica says and pats my back. I step out of the room and watch as Jeff and Alana cry and run away, after handing him the tape back. "Lip" Fiona says standing next to me. He looks back and walks out. I follow him but keep my distance. I watch as he breaks the tape into a million different pieces. "Lip" I say and he turns around and looks at me. I walk closer to him and he falls into my arms and cries. 

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