What we are is who we are

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Your POV

I sighed. I looked up to see my lecturer explaining something which I don't have much interest into listening. I turned to look down at my watch to see it's already 11. As if on cue, Mr T spoke " Alright everyone, class is over. Make sure to hand in your assignments by Thursday."

I got up and started to keep my things in my bag. Once i'm done, I swung my bag on my shoulder. Quickly leaving the classroom but someone's voice stopped me from getting out. " well, it isn't precious Y/N" I huffed. Already know who it is. 

I rolled my eyes. Hot on my heels, I turned around to see a smirking Thomas with a black leather jacket that's hugging his body. His muscles are visible through that thick jacket. Both of his friends are standing beside him, smirking. 

"what do you want" I muttered. Already feeling annoyed. Thomas and his friends chuckled. Thomas eyed me up and down. I tried to hide my blush that's been creeping on my cheeks. Feeling a little insecure. 

I narrowed my eyes at him, looking at him carefully. " Surprise that you didn't wore your grandma clothes today" The three of them laughed. I rolled my eyes once again and I turned around to quickly walk off. 

Ever since when Thomas and I were little, we were inseparable. We used to hang out , company one another, having late night talks, walked to the park together, now everything about him has changed completely. 

Ever since when he started to hang out with those jerks. You could say that Thomas make fun of me a lot. He's a little bully in this Uni. I know. Uni hardly has bullies but this one, downright yes. Always pick on everyone. 

It's disgusting and horrible. Now that i'm stuck with him in the same Uni, I can never get any peace to myself. He used to be sweet and caring. Always looking out for other people and even me. But that side of Thomas quickly went down the drain. 

I furiously pushed open the exit door eager to head home and take a nap. But a hand stopped me from opening it. Instead, pulled me to a corner , almost tripping my own feet.I looked at Thomas angrily and to my surprise, I see no friends of hid beside him. Huh. That's odd. They used to be with Thomas. Everywhere. They. Go. 

" what" I said sternly. Thomas gave me a smile. " you look pretty today" I sighed.  I tried to walk off but to my luck, he stopped in front of me, backing me against the wall. My emotion chaned to mad to scared. What is he doing? His face is just inches away from me. 

I hope he doesn't hear my heartbeat beating loudly out of fright. " there's nothing to be afraid of, it's just me" He whispered. I grimaced at the sound of his rough whisper. " stop it!" I yelled. Thomas got taken aback by my voice. I took my chance to push him off roughly making him fall to the ground. 

I shook my head at him. Suddenly my anger came back out of nowhere. " who do you think you are? You think you could just have what you want? You think you could just bully someone else and make yourself feel better? If you got that satisfaction, well you're wrong! What happened? What happened to you? to us? Why did you suddenly change? What? was I boring? Did I make you mad to be like this? A jerk? to me, to everyone? Well, gee thanks Thomas you got what you finally wanted!" I stopped walking in front of him , making him stopped to crawl backwards on the floor and looked at me in fear and surprise. 

I'm not the kind of person who screams when i'm angry. But I couldn't hold it in anymore. I stormed off and walked out of the building. Clutching my bag tightly. "wait!" I almost stopped at the familiar voice but I kept on walking. 

" wait! Y/N!" Ignored. I just kept on walking. That's when a hand pulled my wrist. I turned around and glared at him. Thomas was panting and panting. " look, can we talk?" He asked. Holding hope in his eyes. I shook my head at him. " no, leave me alone" I said sternly. I roughly let go my wrist but it didn't budge. I tried again but still , it doesn't work. 

I looked up at with with furious eyes. " I said let go!" I yelled. This time, its Thomas turn to not move. Instead he asked" I'm still the same person you known for your whole life, I'm still me" He softly said. 

I lifted both my eyebrows up to look at him. I scoffed. " so now you're soft?" I chuckled sarcastically. "You've changed, and you know it. If you don't , then why not go check out some pictures or even old videos of us? That will refresh your stupid big head of yours" I give him a sarcastic smile. 

I slowly let go of my wrist and this time, he let it go. I was about to walked off but I stopped and turned around. " oh and Thomas. guess what? What we are is who we are" I said and left. Leaving him and his thoughts alone. 


Hey! hope you guys like it! I haven't been updating in this book lately. I'm not a active user and I can't find any inspiration until now. I still have a few more imagines in store for you, but that'll be tomorrow. Someone requested an imagine and I know I still haven't post that imagine yet and I'm really really sorry. But i'll post that requested imagine tomorrow. Do you guys want a part 2 of this imagine? Comment down below and i'll try to make a part 2. 

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