Popularity and a nerd part 2

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Your POV

"okay everyone. Open up your book to page 54. Can anybody tell me how does catalysts work?" My science teacher Mr.  David said. I was leaning back my seat and refrain from answering. The whole class went silent. Some of the students were looking at one another to ask what's the answer. I look around and nobody raised up their hands.

"no one? " Mr David said. As soon as Mr David was about to reply  the door opened and a tall blonde brown hair guy was panting. It's Thomas. Why is he here? Thomas looked around the classroom and his eyes landed on me. He gave me a smile and a small wave before he started to explained why he's late to Mr David class.

" I'm sorry sir I was at the football field for practice and I got loss track of time" Mr David was looking at Thomas in the eyes.  "Alright i'm gonna let you off this time but the next time , you're going to the principal office if you're late again" Mr David said. "thank you sir" " good. Now go find a seat" Mr David patted Thomas shoulder and we continue our lesson.

I looked up at Thomas to see him heading to the back of the classroom.He took a seat and greeted his friend. I turned back around and try to focus back on the lesson. Is he new here? or did he go to this class the same as I do from the start but I didint notice him? " right so nobody knows the answer?" Mr David rest his hands on the desk while standing up. 

the whole classroom went silent again. " guess no one" he mumbled. Mr David scribbled on the whiteboard while explaining. "  A catalyst increases reaction rates in a slightly different way from other methods of increasing reaction rate. The function of a catalyst is to lower the activation energy so that a greater proportion of the particles have enough energy to react." 

"does anybody have any questions?" Mr David said. wow this class is way too silent. " right, so page 58, I want you guys to do some work. " the whole class groaned. " your work will be due on next tuesday" I sighed. Might as well do it now.I looked up at the clock wall to see there's still 15 minutes left until the bell rings. Then we can go home. 

and I can relax and cuddle in my blankets and sit on the couch to watch my favourite show. Maybe drink some hot chocolate too. Well better do it now and then I can relax at home. 

After 15 minutes later

I placed my books back in my bag after the class is over. I'm going back home with my friend Isla. She's my ride for today.

I swing my bag handle on my shoulder and some books carrying in my other hand. I walked out of class until I feel a tap on my shoulder. I stop in my tracks and turn around. Its Thomas.

"Hey Y/N" Thomas smiled and I smiled back "hi" I said softly. "Uh so if you'll like to-to hang out with me next week in the school library perhaps? To talk about the story " Thomas stuttered. That's odd. He doesn't usually stutter. Not when he's talking to girls. Not saying it in a bad way but its odd.

"Sure I would love that" I said happily. He chuckled and said " great! I'll see you next Monday" with that he walked away. I was standing there till I suddenly remembered something. Wednesday. Wednesday! Is prom!

How could I forget? I mean I don't have a date but being with my best friend going to prom together it is not that bad. Oh well. Im gonna ask Isla about it.

I walked off and went to meet Isa at her locker. Once I'm reaching at her locker, we said greet each other and we head to her car. Once were at her car she started the conversation first. " so how's you and Thomas?" My eyes widen.

I almost choke. "Um how did y-" Isla cut me off. " of course I know. Everybody knows. Everyone is talking about it in school." She said while driving. Me , looking at the distance with a shocked expression on my face.

"What!?" I screamed. "Wow Y/N you don't have to scream. I know you're shocked but my ears are gonna pop soon" I chuckled and shook my head at her jokes.

"So, are you guys dating ?" She suddenly ask. I shook my head variously. "No no" I said . "awe why not? I saw you two looked  happy together. I want you to be happy ."Isla said while giving me a bright smile. I smile at her words and care. Feel very touched by her words.

"Thank you Isla but I'm not dating him. I don't think he will like me. Cause you know I'm a nerd."I said while making a face. "No you're not. You're more of what you think. In a good way of course. You are pretty, generous ,kind everything! So don't doubt yourself. " she said sternly yet caring.

I smiled brightly at her and appreciate that I have a good friend like her. She's the best. "Thank you Isla. It really means a lot." I turn my head to her and she smiled back. " not a problem Y/N"
"So about the boy ?" She asked and I started bursted out laughing. I shook my head while laughing at her.

------------------------------------------------------hope you guys like it! Part 3 coming soon!

Thomas Sangster Imagines Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt