In The Maze part 4

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I was hiding behind the tree. I saw Thomas, Newt. Minho and Teresa were hiding as well. We all looked at each other and we nodded our heads signalling it's time. I saw Thomas and Newt walked out from their hiding spot. Thomas purposely fainted and Newt purposely screamed just to get everyone's attention.

" Help! someone help!" Newt screamed. Everyone turned their heads and looked at the both of them. Newt holding Thomas in his hands. Everyone gather to see what happen and soon Gally joined. " what? what's going on?" I heard Gally said loudly. Newt looked at Gally and said" Thomas been bitten" Newt said.

Gally looked shocked. wow. Never seen him like this before. He usually didint care about anyone here. " You know the rules" Gally said. " no, I don't think we should throw him in the maze, I think we should heal him first. " somebody said.  Everyone agreed. " and he's a runner" someone added.

" alright alright, let's take him to my place, I'll try to heal him" Gally said. I smiled. Task 1 success. I looked at Minho and Teresa walked out from their hiding spot  and so did I once Gally was far out of our sight. " hey everyone! listen up!" I screamed. Everyone looked at me and I felt Minho and Teresa were standing behind me while holding their weapon.

" I need all of you to come with us and go to the maze to find a way out. Together." I yelled. Everyone looked at each other in confusion. " we may not find a way out yet but we will cause we can work this out together as a team and if you guys dont want to follow us then you're gonna stuck with Gally and spend the rest of your lives here. " I added.

" so if you guys wanna come with us then follow us. Grab a weapon as well" I said and looked at everyone. Seems like everyone was thinking hard but not for long some joined us but some stayed. The people who joined us were standing by our side and the others were standing across from us.

" Are you sure you guys wanna stay here? this will be your last chance" I said while looking all of them intently. Silence was filling the atmosphere and no one says a thing. " alright , then we wish you guys good luck" I said. Minho, Teresa and I and the rest of the people who joined us were running towards the opened door maze after we took our weapons.

We waited for Thomas and Newt. What's taking them so long? I looked everywhere but they're now- " Hey hey! " Newt screamed while waving his hands at us. Newt and Thomas were running towards us. I sighed in relief. Once the both of them were in the maze, we suddenly saw Gally with an black eye came running towards us. He looks angry.

" what are you guys doing? Come back! " Gally screamed. " Let's go! Thomas yelled. " You made the biggest mistake of your lives!" Gally screamed. All of us quickly ran further inside the maze. I turned around and saw the doors are almost closing all the way. I can see a little gap between the door that Gally was still running towards it. But then soon the doors are completely closed.

All of us stopped running and stood there trying to comprehend what had happened. " everyone okay?" Thomas asked. All of them nodded. " good" Thomas said. " well that was shocking" I said out of nowhere. I was resting my back against the wall. " alright everyone let's go. We don't have much time left until when the sun goes down" Thomas said and everyone started walking.

I started walking an felt someone was standing beside me. " are you okay?" I turned my head around and looked at Newt and smiled at him. " im fine" I said. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to his body. " how about you?"

I said while holding his face in my hands. He looked down at me. " Im fine " he said. My finger grazed a scar on his chin. I furrowed my eyebrows. It wasn't there before. " what happen?" I asked. He shook his head " nothing dont worry about it" He said. I pretended to shrug off but im gonna ask him again later.


The whole day Newt holds my hands in his. I smile at how cute he's being really protective of me. I chuckled at the thought. He looked down at me and smiled. "What so funny?" He asked. I shook my head "nothing " I said while looking him up through my eyelashes.

"Cmon please tell me" he said while nudging his elbow on my shoulder. I laughed and so did he. " you're really cute when your protective" I said while looking at him. He smiled at me kissed my forehead multiple times which made me smile really big. I felt my stomach erupted with butterflies.

"That's my job love" he said. I blushed and he just chuckled.
Hope you guys enjoyed this! Sorry if it's too short but I promise you the next one is gonna be quite long.

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