In the Maze part 1

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Imgine you're another girl in the maze along with Teresa, Thomas,Newt,Minho,Gally and Frypan. This is most likely like the maze runner movies. I'll be doing some parts of these that involves with the 3 parts of the movie. Hope you enjoy!

Your POV

I groaned. Why is my body aching? My eyes shot opened when I felt something moving. Everything seems to be a blur. I squinted my eyes to look around me trying to get my proper vision back. It took a few seconds to get my vision back.

I looked around me and it's really dark. Why am I in this odd elevator like? There's some lights here and there but I can't seem to see anything. Still. I got nervous. How did I get here? Why am I here?

I have so many questions. I jumped when the thing moves up too fast. I screamed and crying for help. I look above me and thought that this was it. I thought I was gonna get squashed by the ceiling. I close my eyes shut and hold myself tighter.

Then, the thing stopped. I let out a 'oof' sound. Soon the ceiling above me opened. I covered my eyes with my hands from the brightness. Then, there stood lots of people crowded around the railing and looked down at me.

I quickly stood up and looked at everybody. It was oddly quite but someone broke the silence. "Well? Is anyone gonna help her or just stare at her?" A guy who is wearing a long sleeved blue shirt said.

"Here, give me your hand" The guy with the blue shirt extended his hand to me. I hesitantly took it and he helped me up from the elevator thing. He pulled me up and soon I was on the ground. " thank you" I said. He gave me a polite smile.

I looked everywhere to see that we're surrounded by trees and massive rock walls. I looked at everybody and they stare right back at me. Well this is uncomfortable. " cmon you guys go back to work."Everyone broke out of their trance and continue on what they are doing. " Hi, i'm Teresa, It's nice to meet you"

I looked at her and she gave me a smile. she looks really pretty. " Hi it's nice to meet you too." we shook each others hands. " mind telling me your name?" Teresa asked. " it's -" I paused. wait. what? How can I forget my name? Why I cant remember? " it seems that you can't remember your name im guessing. But don't worry it happens to all of us. At one point you'll remember soon" she said while giving me a gentle smile.

I smiled back for the first time and said thank you. " cmon let me show you around" Teresa said. She took my hand and we walk around. I have so many questions left unanswered. I should ask someone.

" um" Teresa stopped walking and looked at me. "Before we go, can I ask you something?" I asked. "of course" Teresa said. I let out a relief sigh. " um do you know why am I here? and why I cant remember anything? and where is this place? "I asked trying to not sound panic.

" Well, if you want to know why you're here then it actually depends. What did you do. You can't remember anything is because they erase your memory , except they only give you your name. That's it. and this place" Teresa paused for a moment while looking around. " is the maze" she said while looking at you.

Your face held a confused expression. Maze?" maze" I said out loud. " yeah, you see behind those rock walls?" Teresa asked. I nodded. " Behind those walls are the maze, everyday the maze changes. and every day the runners will go to the maze on day time to draw out the maze to find a way out. " Teresa said.

I looked at the maze as it opened up. " you see those two guys over there that's running into the maze?" Teresa asked. " yeah?" " those two are the runners. " "do you want me to show you around?" I looked at Teresa as she extended her hands out for me." sure" I place my hand in hers as she took me around the place.

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