Childhood friends

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Pictures were in my hands, the bedroom atmosphere was relaxing and silent. I was sitting on  our shared bed when Thomas came inside the bedroom with a knock on the door. I looked up and turned around. Thomas stood there and was leaning against the door. " Hey love, what are you doing?" 

I turned my head back around and continued too look at the pictures. My thumb gently grazed over the old pictures of me and Thomas. I smiled at the wonderful flashbacks that were playing in my head. " Just looking at the pictures" I said while smiling. I can feel him coming to sit on the bed. His body was sitting behind me so that he can look at the pictures. 

He rested his chin on my shoulder. I heard Thomas chuckled. " Haven't seen these pictures in a while but I still remembered them. Those memories were fun" I can feel Thomas smile." yeah it was" I said softly. I turned the next photo in my hands and I smiled brightly. 

The day that Thomas and I were still little kids and in that picture, we were laughing and our faces were smeared with ice cream. I believe that one of our mum took that photo. The corner of the picture has written on a date. It was the summer 95.  " I remembered that" Thomas said while pointing his finger on the picture. 

I laughed. "Look at you, you look so cute" I turned around to look at him. He chuckled. " but look at you, you look cute too" Thomas said while looking at me. I blushed. 

Narrators POV


" mummy! I want ice cream please!"  you said while running to your mother. You saw your mum was sitting on the kitchen stool while she's talking with Thomas mum. Your mum looks at you and smiled while extended out her arms to you. 

" come here sweetheart" Your mum said while you giggled. " you want ice cream?" Your mum asked and you nodded rapidly. Causing both mum to chuckle. " please" you said. " alright , but you have to wash off your muddy hands first " You quickly nodded and you wiggled out of your mum grasp and run to the kitchen sink to wash off your hands. 

But you were too short to reach so your mum helped you and carried you up so that you can wash off the dirt on your hands since you were playing outside the garden with Thomas. Once you were done washing your hands, your mum helped you wiped off the water droplets that was on your hands and let you down .

" Thomas honey! do you want to get some ice cream?" you heard Thomas mum called him. Thomas quickly looked up at his mum and stopped what he's doing since he heard the word ice cream. 

" ICE CREAM!" Thomas yelled. " well then cmon Thomas wash your hands and we can go get some ice cream!" Thomas mum cheered. Thomas did the same as you he washed his hands off and the four of you went to go get some ice cream. 

Once the four of you were at the ice cream shop, you and Thomas quickly run up to push the front door of the shop. Both mum were laughing at how the both of you were eager and excited for ice cream. 

the four of you got in the shop , you and Thomas quickly ran to the counter and looked at the various flavours of ice cream. You can feel your tongue sticking out cause of the delicious ice cream. Your mum bent down next to you " what flavour do you want Y/N?" your mum asked. 

you pointed your finger at the glass signalling that you wanted pistachio. " I want pistachio" you said. " alright. You jumped up and down excited to get your ice cream. " how about you Thomas what flavour do you want?" Thomas mum asked. 

Thomas pulled a thinking face. Not sure which one he'll want. " I want chocolate mummy" Thomas asked. " sure honey" Thomas mum said. 

Once the both of you got your ice cream, the four of you head back home. When you guys arrived, you and Thomas ran to the living room and sat down on the couch while Thomas mum went to on your guys favourite cartoon TV show. 

" Look! I got chocolate!" Thomas said loudly while licking his ice cream. " I got pistachio!" you said out loud. " ew! pistachio are yucky!" Thomas said while making a face. " no they are not. they are yummy!" you said while licking your ice cream. 

" chocolate is the best! try it!" Thomas said while holding up his chocolate ice cream to you. He wanted to place the ice cream in your mouth but you moved. He accidentally move the ice cream directly up on your forehead.  Your eyes widen. " uh oh" Thomas said. " sorry Y/N" he pouted at you and you soon laughed. 

you playfully smeared some ice cream on his nose. Thomas laughed along with you, causing both mothers to look up and to see you two making a mess with the ice cream. Both mum laughed and Thomas mum quickly took a camera in her hand. To capture this moment. 

" alright guys! look here! smile!" Thomas mum was snapping a picture of the two of you while your mum stood at the corner of the living room smiling at the two of you while shaking her head. 

End of flashback

" good times isnt it?" Thomas said. " yeah , I'm so glad that your mum took a photo of us" I smiled still looking at the picture. " yeah me too. " Thomas said while wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me  closer. " Time flies really quickly, I still can't believe that were engaged now." I said. 

Thomas kissed my forehead. "that's what I was thinking" Thomas said and I looked up at him. The both of us smiling each other and Thomas leaned down and kissed me. Been together for five years now, I still have that chills went down my spine. " I love you Y/N" Thomas said after we pulled away. I smiled brightly at him and I sat up and cuddled into his chest. 

" I love you too Thomas" I said while looking up at him from his chest. He smiled back at me " you know, the pictures and the stories made me hungry how about let's go for an ice cream?" Thomas said while smirking. 

I laughed " sure " I said and placed the picture back in the box and I placed the box back to its spot under the bed. Feeling really happy that I am  married to the love of my  life. 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sorry about the constant ice cream, I mean who dosen't love ice cream? anyways, hope you guys like this one!

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