"you think you're alone?"

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Requested by @kraveo go ahead and give her a follow and check out her story as well. And also sorry for the late update. 

Your POV

I dragged my lazy legs to the front door of the house. I just had an exhausting day. I sighed loudly while combing through my now messy hair that I pulled it few hours ago due to stress of work. 

I took out my keys from my little bag and unlocked the front door. Once I opened it I peeped my head inside to see there is no one. I narrowed my eyes. Usually it would'nt be so quite. Thomas would always blast his music on his bluetooth speaker or either watch TV. 

"hm" I muttered. I opened the door fully and walked in our shared house. I placed my things down on the counter and closed the door. I took off my shoes and placed them neatly on the rack. 

I was about to head into the living room until I heard a sound. I stopped in my tracks. I tried listen to it carefully but nothing. Silence. I waited for a minute again and there's still nothing. Huh. that's odd. 

I shurgged and continued on my business , then there it is again. I stopped my movements and listened to it carefully this time. What's that sound? It looks like it's coming from the bedroom. 

I listen to it again "uh" I heard a moan? It sounds like it. " what?" I whispered confusingly. " Thomas?" I called out loudly. I folded my arms on my chest while stood there waiting for a reply. 

I heard loud loud sound banging against the floor and loud shuffling and footsteps. "yeah, coming" he quickly said from the top of the stairs. Soon , his footsteps came running down the stairs. 

I looked at him. He looks out of breath and his hair is a little messy. Hm. What is he doing?I tilted my head to the side. " hi" I softly said while looking at him. He quickly smiled at me and I narrowed my eyes at him. 

He seems awfully weird. " hey" he said while scratching his neck nervously. I was about to speak but he beat me to it. " so uh how- hows your day?" He nervously asked. I walked closer to him and he looks taken aback by my actions. 

I eye him carefully while he gave me a small smile. Is he okay? he looks weird all the sudden. I guess he just woke up from a nightmare. " its the worst" I said after what feels like hours of silence. 

Thomas frowned. " what happened?" he asked gently. I opened my arms out and make a grabby hand signalling that I want a hug from him. But Thomas looked at my grabby hands wide eyed. 

He quickly cleared his throat. He slowly extended his hands out for me to take and he pulled me in his chest. I cuddled in his chest and sighed at the comfortable feeling. " I just got scolded by my boss and she threatened to fire me if I can't keep up with her." 

I sighed and closed my eyes. I felt Thomas stroking my hair softly. He placed his head on top of mine ." I'm sorry " He softly said and kissed my forehead. We always do this, even we're friends we used to keep each other company or either one of us would surprise each of us from our favourite food, movies etc if we're feeling low. 

" its okay, it's not like I'm not focus on work or anything"  I said. I was about to let go from the hug but I felt something hard on my thighs. My eyes widen. It couldn't be. I slowly looked down. I can see his thing woke up. 

I cleared my throat and quickly pulled away. Now I wanted to know what Thomas was really doing up there. " so uh , what were you doing earlier?" I asked. Pretending to not know. 

I looked at him innocently. Thomas nervous expression came back. Aha. Caught him. " well i-i was rea-re" I cut him off. " no you weren't " I said softly. I smile to myself that I caught him. Thomas looked flustered and red. I chuckled.

" you think that you're alone?" I whispered. Thomas kept quite and avoiding eye contact. I placed my right hand on his cheek making him to turned to looked at me. " You could've told me, so I could help with , that" I looked down and pointed at his crotch. 

He whimpered. " I don't know you would" he said. I shrugged. " you'll never know if you didn't ask" I pulled us to the direction where his bedroom is. " wait" he tugged at my hands. 

making us stopped walking halfway up the stairs. I turned around and looked at him. " what is it?" I asked. He was quite for a second, like his contemplating whether if he wants it or not. " you dont mind?" He asked carefully. 

I smiled at him and shook my head. " great , now lets go" Thomas eagerly pulled us to his bedroom. " you're fantastic" he said while smiling. I chuckled.  Well, you could say the rest is history. 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope you guys like it! I'm not really good at writing smuts. This is my first time writing it. Please do request anything that you like, i'll be happy to write them! Hope you guys have a lovely day!

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