Popularity and a nerd part 3

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Before I arrived at home, I said my goodbyes to Isla. I walked up to my front door and unlocking it. " Mum! i'm home!" I yelled through the house. "i'm in here honey!" my mum yelled in the kitchen. I locked the door and placed my shoe on the shoe rack. 

" hey sweetheart, hows school?" my mum asked while sitting down on the stool and drink a sip of her coffee. "it's alright I guess. You know, the usual" I said while dropping my bags on the floor and heading to the fridge to grab a cold beverage. 

" is everything okay?" my mum asked while looking at me. Her face filling with concerned. I looked at her and gave her a reassuring smile. " i'm fine mum. It's just that prom is coming soon and I.... don't know what to do..... I asked Isla if she could go with me but she already has a date" I ranted. 

" did anyone ask you yet?" I shook my head." nobody would ask me. " I said sadly. " that's okay sweetheart , i'm sure someone will ask you soon" "thanks mum" I said while hugging her. She kissed my forehead. " alright I don't want you to be sad. So, do you want lunch?"

I think for a moment." sure, sandwich would be nice. Thank you mum!" I said while kissing her cheek. " no problem sweetie" my mum said while smiling. I head up to my room and closed the door. I changed into comfortable clothes and lie down on my bed and  turn on my laptop to watch netflix. 

The next day

The entire day, I was with Thomas. We went to the library and talk about the book.  We also talk about our lives and get to know each other. and we hit it off pretty well.  I did not know that we have a lot in common. The whole day was fill with laughs, and banters. 

When the bell rings, signaling the school was finish. I grabbed my things from my seat and went out of the school building. But a hand stop me. I turned around to be met with Thomas. " hey, is everything okay?" I asked "well, iv'e been meaning to ask you this lately." He frowned. "okay?" I said slowly. 

He scratched his neck nervously. " i- um- this - you see- " he stopped and sighed. " it's okay forget it" He said while walking away but I quickly caught his arm and gently turned him around. We looked in  each other  eyes " will you go to prom with me?" I asked shyly. 

Thomas looked shocked and not few seconds later his frown turned into a smile. " yes I want to be your date to prom" He said. I smiled and said " were you about to ask me about prom?" I smirked. " yeah....." he said shyly and slightly embarrassed. I laughed. Then frowned. Thomas noticed and he narrow his eyes. 

He holds my cheeks in his palms. He lifted my head up to look into his eyes. " what's wrong love?" He asked gently. " why me? I mean out of all other girls why me?" I asked. He shooked his head. " because, I don't care about them all I care about is you" he said gently. 

" I like you Y/N very much so. You are everything. You're everything that i like about you. I like you for who you are. " He said while leaning closer. I smiled and said" really?" " of course" he said while smiling. There we are, stood in the middle of the school entrance. Looking at each others eyes.

His words send  shivers down my spine and it melted my heart.  Thomas leans in close and his lips are few inches apart from mine. He looks into my eyes. His eyes are asking for permission and I replied back by leaning in and closing the gap between us. The kiss was slow yet passionate. This was my first kiss ever. He is my first kiss.

I smiled at the thought and causing him to smile on my lips. We pulled away and we leaned into each others foreheads. The moment lasted for about few seconds until we got interrupted by someone. " Thomas!" We turned around and saw Tyler  his friend called out. Waving a hand at him signaling Thomas needs to go back to his friend. 

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