Meeting him for the first time

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You were excited that you get to interview and see Thomas Sangster for the first time. You had a request from your boss that you have to interview him for his upcoming film. You've been a fan for as long as you can remember. 

After wishing and hoping for so long to see him, your dream came true. Right now, you're currently waiting for Thomas to arrive. You read through your question that you're holding it in your hands. You did not write the questions, someone else did. 

" you're going on in 5" the manager said to me  and you can feel your  heart started to beat faster. 'Don't be nervous. I mean i got this.' You thought to yourself. As if on que, you suddenly saw Thomas walking in the room, smiling at everyone. 

You froze in your spot. You could not believe your eyes that you're actually seeing Thomas. And better, talking to him. you tried to calm yourself down. 'Everything is fine, im fine' you thought to yourself. 

You breath in and out. When you were in the middle of calming yourself down, you suddenly heard a familiar voice. " hey, I'm Thomas Sangster, it's nice to meet you" You slowly look up and there he stood. Just right in front of you. He was smiling at you and you were sitting there just starring at him. 

You quickly shake the thought away and you said " h-hi, I'm Y/N It- it's nice too meet you too" You stuttered. He held out a hand for you to shake which you gladly took. When you both let go, he went to sit in front of you. 

" so, you guys are going on in 5 seconds" The manager said. We both nodded. " 5,4,3,2,1," the manager said while pointing us signalling that the camera is rolling. "Hi, Thomas, how are you?' You ask. Your voice is a little shaky due to the nervousness and seeing Thomas just right in front of you. But you keep your cool. 

" I'm fine and how about you?" He asked while smiling. " im good thank you" You said with a smile. 

The whole interview of you interviewing him and him answering some of the questions. You manage to keep your cool and play it smooth. Thomas would occasionally looked into your eyes while you're reading the questions from the cards that you were holding. 

Sometimes he would steal glances at you and smile at you. He purposely would sit closer in front of you and you would get all tingly feeling. But right now, the interview was over and you're just backstage behind the set. 

Sitting down alone with your phone in your hands. You would occasionally smile at what your friends had texted you. When you felt a presence in front of you, you slowly look up from your phone. And there stood Thomas again. 

" hey Y/N, may I join you?" He ask politely. You nodded and gave him a smile. " sure" You said. He happily took a seat across from you. You turned off your phone and placed it on the table. " so how are you? " he asked you nervously. Suddenly he face palm, knowing that he already asked you earlier. 

You chuckle. Suddenly the thought of how cute he looked. "I'm fine thank you"You said while smiling at him. He blushed. "So um, you work as an interviewer for how long?" He nervously ask. Suddenly you had a rush of confidence going through you. 

" About 2 years now" You said while smiling. Thomas smiled back at you. "Are you - are you free on saturday night?" He stuttered. Making you chuckle at him. He soon laughed. " Yeah I am, and why's that?" You said. 

You're on a roll. " If you could or want too, have coffee with me sometime?"He asked shyly. Your heart started to beat faster. Thomas just asked you out. You tried to calm yourself by not screaming and said " sure, that'll be great" You smiled at him. 

His face soon relaxed and he let out a sigh of relieve. " great, may I have your number please?" Both of you exchange your phone numbers and when you guys went to go your separate ways, Thomas holds your wrist stopping you from walking. 

You turned around and looked at Thomas confusingly. He leaned closer making your heart skipped a beat. " I'll see you around Y/N" he smiled and lean in to kiss your cheek. With that, he walked away, leaving you standing there alone and thinking ' what just happened?' 


Hope you guys like this one. I think I should think more and write more of the imagines. Way longer imagines. This is way too short. But anyways, hope you guys have a lovely day! 

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