Vendetta (4)

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" what?" I said in a whisper. It can't be right? " look, Y/N before you had the accident, you did met him. I remember that you're always fangirl about him. You always tell me about him." Ella said while looking at me. Wow. I mean yeah he's handsome but I did not know that it would be like this.

" he told me that we met at a park. Is that true?" I asked. Ella nodded. oh no. so he was right. "What else? Is there  some things that I cant remember about?" I asked panicked. " Calm down Y/N. okay, the things that you forgot about was that you guys went on a date together, few times to be exact" Ella said.

My eyes widen. " what else?" I pushed further. " well, you guys hit it off, and then one day, you told me that you're meeting him at his house for dinner date, you told me that you were driving and then one thing let to another" Ella trailed off. " the accident" I said softly. Ella nodded while looking at me sympathetically.

oh no. "but why is he threatening me?" I asked. Ella frowned. " that day after he found that you had an accident, he couldn't help to think the thought of loosing you, I mean he really likes you Y/N, he's not a psychopath like now. Before he turn into those illegal things, he fell in love with you and you introduce me to him

before but at first when I see him how he treated you, I was relief and felt happy cause he treated you with respect and kindness. He will have a joke with you from time to time, he's just himself like before but now I think that he's dreaming" Ella finished.

I leaned back in my seat. How could this be happening? "Hey, its fine, hes in jail now, he's not going to bother you. You're safe." Ella said reassuring me.

I looked at her feeling shocked but I just nodded. Ella place her hand on mine and gently rub up and down for comfort. "Do you want to eat?" Ella asked softly. "Sure that would be nice" I said while smiling to her.

After all those conversations of Thomas giving me those hints, I didn't knew that it would be like this. I'm curious about my past before the accident. What did we do most of the time? Did I hang out with him everyday? Did we kissed?

I sighed and placed my palm on my head. I'm having a headache after hearing all these.


3 years later

I was in my apartment just coming home from a long day of work. I dragged my body to the kitchen and maybe to cook up some dinner for myself. I head to the fridge but to only see that its mostly empty.

I groaned. I went to the cabinets to look for food. But still there's nothing. What did I eat then ? I rolled my eyes at myself. I decided to head to my bedroom and change into a sweater and sweatpants.

I decided to head out to buy some groceries. Once I have reached, I parked my car on the side road and went into the building. I took out a cart and pushed it towards the food isle.

Now what should I cook. I pursed my lips while slowly walking at the isle full of food and pushing the cart. I looked around the isle and my eyes were scanning at the various of food  until my eyes scanned at the familiar person.

It couldn't be. I stopped in my tracks and stare at him. Its Thomas! I cursed under my breath feeling scared. He still looks the same. He was at a different isle and was searching for something until his eyes spotted me.

"Damn it" I whispered to myself. I quickly turned around and quickly walked away. Trying to ignore him and avoiding eye contact. I pushed my cart to a different isle and then Thomas suddenly appeared in front of me.

I stopped and gasped. I placed my hand on my chest feeling frightened. "Y/N?" he asked softly I quickly shook my head. "Who's Y/N? I'm sorry I think you got the wrong person. Have a nice day" I said quietly.

And began to push my cart while walking away. But a hand stopped me from walking. I closed my eyes and exhale deeply. I bite my lip and slowly turned around. "Yes, is there anything that I can help you with sir?" I asked nervously.

"Y/N, I know its you and you know who I am. Please don't be like this" Thomas said while looking at me. " why? So you can hold me  hostage again ?" I asked. I felt shocked due to my confidence.

Thomas shake his head. "No, Y/N I'm different now. I'm not like in the past. Please believe me. I know its stupid to ask you to believe after what I've done but I changed now. Into a better person" thomas said while looking at me nervously.

"Why should I believe you?" I asked feeling kind of mad. I narrower my eyebrows . "I just want you to see that I've changed. The moment when I saw you,I couldnt believe its you. exiting that club , I thought that I was dreaming but I'm not. I was excited to see that you're fine. I was very relief. During your days in that hospital, no one contacted me how were you. I tried to see you in the hospital but none of your family or friends let me in. I tried calling your friends but they won't answer. That really hurt me. So I tried and tried everything that I could to see you and contact you but I failed. I know  that I sounded creepy and all but I loved you. " my breath hitched in my throat.

He loved me?

Part 4! Hope you guys like it! I'll be publishing another part tomorrow.

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